Predictions about the end of the world

in #world7 years ago

Predictions about the end of the world


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Hi friends, I woke up this morning in a nightmare ... The end of the world was announced, each family had to fill out a form describing themselves and then send it to the "people" who were going to decide our fate, to know if we was going to be saved or not. Saved how? I do not know it was not specified in my dream; o)
In my opinion, having heard the interview of a former French actress lately where she talks about the end of the world in 2030 worked for me because this date is relatively close to us ... Finally, it is not the first time we announce the end of the World and yet we are still all writing about Steemit; o)

Here are some predictions that are cold in the back :

The prophecy of Isaac Newton on Nibiru in the year 2060


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In his writings, Isaac Newton predicted when the end of the world would come. Strangely, the date he gave corresponds exactly to the one determined by some theoreticians for the devastating arrival of the planet Nibiru.
The father of physics wrote, in his conclusions of 1704, that the world should end in 2060, exactly 1,260 years after the founding of the Holy Roman Empire.

It turns out that 2060 is also the year advanced by many theorists claiming that Planet X will pass the Earth, causing earthquakes and apocalyptic eruptions of volcanoes on our planet.
Jim Marrs, a former conspiracy theorist living in the United States, spoke of Nibiru's move in 2060 in a documentary before dying in August 2017.

Newton reached his apocalyptic conclusion by analyzing the Book of Daniel of the Bible. However, the way he arrived at this exact conclusion is still a mystery more than 300 years later.
His work on the subject, which has been kept in a trunk in the Earls of Portsmouth's house for 250 years, tells us :

"He [the world] could finish later, but I do not see any reason for him to finish sooner. "
"What I mean is not to affirm when the world should end, but to put an end to the reckless conjectures of fanciful men who often predict the end time, and in doing so discredit the sacred prophecies as their predictions continually fail. "

Not everyone agrees with the interpretation of Mr. Sitchin's texts. NASA, and a host of other scientists have demystified Nibiru. For the US Space Agency, Nibiru is a myth and a hoax.

Dr. David Morrison, NASA scientist, said :

"There is no credible evidence of Nibiru's existence. " "There are no photos, no follow-ups, no astronomical observations. " The scientist Brian Cox also insisted that Planet X does not exist.

The prophecies of Baba Vanga


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A blind mystic, who apparently predicted the attacks of September 11, 2001, the rise of the Islamic State and Brexit would have planned two major events for 2018.

Baba Vanga, who died in 1996 at the age of 85, is well known to conspiracy theorists who believe she predicted natural disasters and world events long before they actually happened.

Before the death of this Bulgarian, she left predictions up to the 51st century, when she believes the world will end.

The conspiracy theorists believe that Baba, who was rightly nicknamed the "Balkan Nostradamus," said that two events that would change the world will happen next year.

These extraordinary events include China, which will become the next "superpower" in the world taking over from the United States and "a new form of energy" to be discovered on Venus.
In 1970, China accounted for only 4.1% of the total world economy, but this figure is expected to reach 14.9% by 2025, according to Forbes. This country has not yet overtaken the United States, but could do so very soon.
When in Venus, there is currently no plan to send a space mission there.

However, in July 2018, the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft should be launched to study the outer crown of the sun.
Baba allegedly predicted atrocities, including September 11, 2001, claiming that "two steel birds" would attack "American brothers". Here is what she would have said :

"Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall after being attacked by steel birds. The wolves will scream in a bush, and the innocent blood will burst forth. "

She also warned that the Brexit would arrive and warned that an extremist terrorist group would sweep over Europe.

However, she had announced that Barack Obama would be the "last president of the United States", which led some to believe that Donald Trump would never be sworn.

Predictions of Nostradamus


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Michel de Nostredame was a French doctor and a famous seer who published writings of prophecies that became very popular because of the accuracy of these predictions throughout history.
Nostradamus predicted some of the most tumultuous and destructive events in history (including World War II and 9/11), he also predicted the US presidential election where he referred to an epic battle between a "Masculine Woman" "The Queen", and a "great shameless and daring". He also talks about a rigged election, a term that has become a feature of the 2016 election.
Here are his predictions for 2018:

1 - The great eruption of Mount Vesuvius
2 - The economic collapse
3 - The third world war
4 - A giant asteroid that will hit the earth
5 - Anticipated human and animal communication

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Collapse of our societies for 2040


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A study published by a British university predicts a collapse of our societies around 2040.
These new scientific models, developed by the university and supported by components of the British government, including the Ministry of Agriculture, are banking on a phenomenon of chain reaction caused by humans and their changing environment.

The British company Lloyd's, which specializes in insurance and reinsurance but also a partner in the institution's work support fund, went even further by offering a report to its clients on the risks of the collapse of companies and therefore their after a shock by the global food system.
According to these projections, three climate disasters alone would lead to reduced production and rising prices, which would crystallize tensions around the world and destabilize governments. "Hunger riots are erupting in urban areas in the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America, the euro is weakening, and the European and American stock markets are falling by 10% and 5% respectively," the company writes.

Governments are exploring the possibilities...

Pessimistic reports flourish, like the University of Melbourne's research on the limits to growth, a subject already mentioned nearly forty years ago in a famous book published by a group of MIT students. Or this study of American universities Stanford, Princeton and Berkeley announcing that the sixth mass animal extinction is underway. Governments are preparing for the worst at the economic and geopolitical level, commanding projections of any kind on possible crises that may occur around the globe.

A preventive attitude almost logical, in a world where we would see a population to feed 10 billion people by 2050, or even more recently and for the same decade a climate completely revisited in Europe alone, where Bordeaux wine would be produced in Brittany.

All these reports, however, have no value as a prophecy. As stated by Insurge Intelligence, these models are based on the current behaviors of our societies, without taking into account possible reactions from governments and populations to avoid this end.

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I am optimistic nature but it is true that to read all that, it does not bode well!! That's why we must take advantage of the present moment as I always say, if we want to do something we must do it right away and do not wait until later ... You never know what can happen, ... YOLO !!!!!!!!


excellent post, can anyone predict me that I will be millionaire in 2018 by chance ?? :)

I hope so! Happy new year 😊

thank you, happy new year to you too ! 😜

Unceasingly pray, do not be anxious, do not worry. God has planned everything. :)

appriciate your are right dear..:)

Thanks for sharing

Yeah there a lots of models showing rough times a head and many catalyzers that could speed up our doom.

Staying optimistic is the way to go :) our minds content will manifest, that what we truly believe,nothing can prevent this, don´t let that what we manifest be our own doom!

this is a bit scary.
Speaking about the end of the world, My view is that It is all in God Hands since I am religious.

Everything that has a beginning, has an ending.It is always important to know when something has reached its end .
Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin.

nobody can predict the end of the world. Do act in the way u r supposed to. God is there to save us

Their are always report about the end of the world, but what I will love to believe is how prepared are we? To me anybody who died has come to the end of his/her world. Because the dead don't bother about what to eat, what to wear, where to go etc... This is a good piece that should always remind us that as day breaks, we move closer to the end. And also we should be all ready to accept the fact that it will really come to an end. Thanks for sharing!!

Tbe end if the world iscoming for sure. I agree with you and main thing i care about is not who will cause the end but rather what my conditiin will be then.

haha..nice post,but its hard to predict when the end of the word,no know can predict it right