The shape of things to come?

in #world4 years ago


Hi everyone,

everyday our future is shaped, the question is: WHO is doing the shaping?
More and more I see that it's not us (the people) that are actively shaping the futrure, but that this is being done by a few handfuls of billionaires. ALL of them are household names and most of them lack scientific or democratic credentials.

Their only credential is MONEY.

The visions I get when looking at their plans, that at face value sound like a good thing, is truly horrific. When a billionaire says that they will eliminate inequality, you should raise an eyebrow.

If that billionaire person really was a philanthropist they wouldn't have become a billionaire to begin with!

They would have shared their wealth from the start. Like the way I do when I give a homeless person a sandwich or some money. But in reality they have been making themselves big for decades by raking in as much as they could FOR THEMSELVES.

The weird thing is that many of us idolize these people, look up to them. I do not.
Now some people will argue that these people have done exactly that, that their billions are the result of them adding to society. I disagree.
Take a guy like Bezos, for instance, he has destroyed many thousands of mom and pop shops worldwide, while paying (almost) zero taxes, while using publicly funded infrastructure and while his employees were relying on foodstamps.
I do not call that "adding" to society.

I would prefer to live in a society where we applaud the guy that GIVES to society more than he takes. Where we look up to and idolize the guy that has paid most taxes this year. I know it's the opposite of what we're used to but, in a society like that that guy would have plenty to eat, no money worries and he would get admired for being a truly social human being at the same time. I know I would not mind paying 10 million dollars in taxes next year! It would mean I was putting millions in the bank as well. And how big a house does one need? How many pants do we need? How many cars do we need? How much do we need when we know there is people starving elsewhere?

There is a point where mony becomes power and the Romans invented taxes to make sure that the rich never got rich enough to buy their own army, they would topple the state if they could. Somehow we have let it happen anyway and the rich now own the states (most of them anyway) and they are at the point now where they will reinstate slavery in a most ingenious way. They will give you money, call it Universal Basic Income, they will claim that they will eradicate inequality. That sounds great, no? But realize that that can be achieved in two ways, they can make the 3rd world as rich as the 1st or they can make the 1st as poor as the 3rd... And, think of it, if they would have wanted to share they would have done that long ago... Their UBI will come with "terms and conditions", like (but not limited to): mandatory vaccination, giving up of privacy (location, health, financial, ???), and signing off on ever owning anything privately. And somehow I think that this will not be the case for the billionaires, so we will have one law for the rich (0.01%) and another for the poor (99.99%) and it will, in fact, be reinstating slavery. You will be signing off on your life and liberty if you take their deal.

Now, if we would want to shape our own future, how would we go about that?
We should do our best to wake people up to reality, and this is terribly hard right now because cognitive dissonance and division have been sown deep. The only successful way I came up with is asking questions. Do not state facts, that only triggers their CD. Just ask ONE question and move on. Sow the seeds of critical thinking.
The next thing could be taking it to court, we have all been duped into thinking that we must comply. But we are humans of flesh and blood, which is not the same as a person (from old Latin: mask). And Common Law trumps the law of the sea.

I found the following video very inspiring, also the fact that it was taken down from screw-you-tube says a lot these days. Many videos that are taken down are only taken down to silence dissent. But, if they had hard arguments to prove that the dissenters are wrong or misguided, wouldn't they be better of using that way? The fact that they simply silence opposing opinion tells me that they have no counter argument.

I know some people will object to the source of the video, but remember: even a broken clock is right twice a day...

I hope it will inspire you to fight for a better future, one where we all will be able to live in peace and abundance. It is possible, the sollutions are out there.

Stay revolting!
