We've heard many times that the world is going to end. Since I am writing this and you're reading, it proved to be a hoax.
But what about this time?
Among all the fake news, this is the most trusted news at the moment.
DAVID MEADE, A WELL KNOWM AMERICAN SCIENTIST has been claiming that the world is going to end soon. According to him, planet X/ 12th planet or NIBIRU is soon going to collide with the earth which leads to destruction.
Nibiru (planet X) revolves the sun in an orbit of 3600 years which periodically comes close to the earth. According to Meade, this is a sign of REVELATION
It's the time when Christ arrives. Nibiru was expected to visit earth on 2003 which postponed to 21st December 2012 (most famous date till now). The end of Mayan Calender also made people worry about 2012.
NASA on 2012 :
23rd SEPTEMBER is the date of revelation according to Meade. He also said that the total solar eclipse of 21st August is the sign of revelation.
He describes the theory of 99 which you can see on the internet.
** NASA has always been claiming these theories as fake and just an internet hoax.** Even this time, NASA says that "It's just a hoax.If Nibiru would be coming to earth on 23rd September, it would already have been visible to everyone."
But Meade claims that It is coming in such an angle that it cannot be visible
I completely disagree with David Meade
This article is just to aware everyone that donot believe in the internet hoax.
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