Step-by-step guide for advertisers

in #worldwide6 years ago

Advertisers on World Wi-Fi have unprecedented level of targeting available to them, historical data of the hotspots. Apart from that, we work according to smart contract that ensure full transparency.


We are glad to have you on board as an advertiser. You will be able to broadcast your ads to your target audience via people’s routers. World Wi-Fi offers an excellent environment for you to work in, and this guide will help you navigate through it.

Step 1. Log in. Not much to say here.

Step 2. Set up your account: choose the format (banners, commercials or. retargeting) and choose targeting characteristics. The price in tokens will be calculated automatically. You will also have access to the historical data of hotspots.

Step 3. In order to proceed you will have to agree with the conditions of the contract.

Step 4. Buy tokens either via an exchange or our fiat gateway.

Step 5. Submit your advertising materials for a review. All of the materials are reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate.

Step 6. Launch your campaign. Congrats! You’ve just about made it. Now sit back and enjoy.

Step 7. Receive a detailed report. After the campaign is concluded you will receive a detailed report with statistics to see how your campaign performed.