I Suck At Explaining Myself

in #writerlast month


I've always sucked at explaining myself, which caused folks to get a different impression than I intended.
Last year, I decided to "retire" from crypto-blogging. I made content for both Threespeak and YouTube. I don't want to put my eggs in one basket. What if Hive loses its popularity like Steemit?
Hive is a good backup for Youtube. You should not put all your faith into it.
I would still embed my YouTube, TikTok, etc content. I also want to migrate you to my other social platforms in case you get sick of Hive for whatever reason. Hive watchers falsely accusing people of cheating or going after them before properly communicating can give someone an incentive to leave.
I didn't want to quit cold turkey in case my Facebook earnings dipped or I was demonetized.

I just wasn't going to do vlogging challenges like I used to.
I mentioned how my earnings taking a major drop discouraged me. I phrased the post wrong, and people thought I thought rewards were owed to me. The info that I am a chronically ill creator needing content creation because no other job will be as flexible as content creation, was just for the sake of informing potentially new people because I can't tell who is new and who isn't. I've talked about disability before on my WordPress blog. A feature telling you who is new and who is a returning follower can be a useful tool. Maybe a badge with their username "first-time reader"

everyone is different and disabled people who can't work shouldn't be judged based on your abilities or Bob's abilities.

I've explained I joined due to unemployment. Content creation provided me
with so much flexibility to take time off for flares, and accommodate myself. In 2019, I made videos on how autism will make employment difficult. then some chronic illnesses kicked in around 2020

Your rewards also help me see where you're at with a particular series
say you consistently vote for Grand Theft Auto, I know you like the game.
If you have mixed feelings on let's say Watch Dogs, it gives me an idea.
if everything is flopping, it's harder to pinpoint what you like the most, a series you're neutral on, and a series that's your least favorite.
I get these sites are like the lottery. I don't want to put my eggs in one basket. I've tried on several occasions to get outside support to no avail. Amazon affiliate link program closes your account if you do not make 3 sales in 6 months. I've tried promoting my starter equipment for other small creators getting started.
When I promote my Kofi, you're not just giving me money on a silver platter. I have to provide a product or service in return. In return, you get early access to my content. Maybe a teaser of a series I am starting. You join Netflix for series/movies exclusive to the platform, you're doing the same thing with Kofi or Patreon, you join for rewards and content the creator provides exclusively on the platform.
Maybe folks thought I put all my faith in Hive/Steemit and chose not to branch out just in case I faced a dip.

Maybe they don't know how much time goes into making videos or know it's a gameplay I am showing them and the paragraph is just a description explaining what the video is about.
Also, I had to change trading platforms when Blocktrades discontinued their services.
I used Ionomy, and their BTC fees are high. Say I get 40 dollars and due to the fees, I am down to 15. I felt that info could have been useful and the amount I talked about getting was sans fees.
I chose platforms with fewer steps/simple steps to use due to tutorials being unavailable if I get stuck.
I learned I can trade in ETC and their fees are lower. If I sent a solid Hive, I had the option to use ETC until it was removed. Then I learned I could just buy ETC and still benefit from the lower fees. The minimum requirement to buy and send to my Coinbase is also a barrier.

If I come off a certain way, coming into the equation that I already knew doesn't help versus asking if I can give you more info and tell me where the disconnect was.

A post did better than I thought and a reader thought I knew (when I didn't) and said I'm ungrateful versus "this post got X rewards in case you didn't know"
Then I would have told them I didn't know and thanked them for telling me.
Join the equation with the "this probably sounded good on paper" and politely address it.

If someone has to crowdfund due to unemployment or maybe the job not paying enough etc, that doesn't make them a bad person (my ex-reader thought I was a bad person for it)
There are scammers out there. I get that. Not everyone who crowdfunds is a scammer, lazy, doesn't wanna work, etc. I'd let karma deal with them for taking advantage of your kindness rather than bullying someone you THINK is a scammer.