Stand your Ground!

in #writersclub016 years ago

When the soldiers of Napoleon's army invaded Russia,they came to a village from which all its inhabitants had fled,except a man. When the French captain saw him,he ordered him to be shot. The mam seemed fearless. Observing this,the captain ordered his men to lower their weapons and brand him. So they brought out the red hot branding iron and branded a letter N on the fearless man's palm. The captain said, "N" is for "Napoleon". You belong to Napoleon now.". The patriotic Russian did something that made my heartbeat faster. He placed his burned hand on something solid,took an Axe and severed his own hand! He said, "The hand may belong to Napoleon,but I am A Russian! If I must die,I'll die a Russian! what a way to prove absolute tenacity! I paused for a moment..can I do that? I'm I willing to die for mg beliefs? I'm I willing to sacrifice my most lovely,most priced possession? Excuse me,are you willing to go that extra mile,to prove too the world,that one point you've been voicing out? Are you willing to take that one step that's so right,that even your inner man would Call you crazy?
I dunno bout you, but if that's the only way to show the world that I mean what I say,to reveal the truth in my beliefs, then I'm ready. By God's grace. Im not only ready to die for Christ,I'm ready to proclaim his love,and ready to disperse it,to let others have a taste of it. Building a better Society is also another way to let others see how dogged and determined you are.
Stand for something,else you'd fall for anything.
Good Day?