The Flexibility Content Creation Gives Me Over A 9-5 Job

in #writing3 months ago

Content creation is the only job where I can accommodate my needs, provides me flexibility for flares and where I can accommodate myself.

Photo by Marissa Grooteson Unsplash

When I started my blog, I started it at the time I was an unemployed autistic adult. Most workplaces are not neurodivergent-friendly. I’ve explained how my autism would make it hard to hold down a job. I made the call to work from home. I had trouble getting my mom to understand why I needed this. Attempt after attempt, I could not get her to understand. If getting a job while disabled was as easy as she thinks. More disabled people would be working. If getting adjustments were as simple as she thinks, more disabled folks would be working.

I’d like to explain how content creation provides me the flexibility a normal job

I keep a predictable schedule. Sundays I post on my Gaming With Jazz channel, Tuesdays and Thursdays on my Railfan channel, and Saturdays on Simming With Jazz. Most jobs do not keep a predictable schedule. Predictably help autistic folks. Changes in their schedule with no warning or no time to prepare can cause meltdowns. Especially being called in on off days and those are needed to recharge your social battery/spoons. if I need to recharge my social spoons I can say I won’t answer DMS for the night to recharge.

I can set my own schedule. I can make a workaround for flare-ups.

If I need to cater to a flare, I can do that without any problems. If the job won’t allow me to keep my inhaler on me, I would have to leave my post to use it. Or if the environment is causing the flare, not being able to get to a stable setting. At home, I can turn on a fan or a cooler when needed. Since developing IBS, it’s restricted where I can shop. I have to shop at places that have a public bathroom. if the place decides to strip their access to the bathroom from the public, I can no longer shop there as I would not have time to run to another store. Working there, I would have to quit. The bathroom for the public may be more accessible than the lounge bathroom for the workers. The public restroom may be quicker to get to than the employee restroom. Or if the plumbing needs to be fixed because someone flushed something they shouldn’t. I will have to call out.

If I need time off for a flare, I can do it without any problems. I can schedule a YT video. If I have to move a stream I can record a let’s play instead (where I don’t have to talk as much) and give Kofi supporters early access or something.

People may complain if you take a while to upload. Those who understand how hard it is to record, edit upload, etc. will know the deal. I’d take some complainers over being threatened to be fired. I’d take people bitching and they unfollow and get over it than be threatened with termination because corporations care more about money than their people.

This is a short excerpt from my substack as Steemit no longer has d-like

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also I am currently struggling due to having to give my grandma 125 bucks a month of my already limited funds, and losing what I used to earn made things worse, I also have a Kofi
where you can get early access to my content