The Enchanter's Nightshade - Shipwreck Creative Writing Challenge Round 2

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone! This is my entry for Round 2 of the Shipwreck Creative Challenge by @steemfluencer.


The Enchanter's Nightshade

I realized there's something wrong with this island when I found a mansion in it. My legs were aching and blood oozed from all the cuts the tree’s branches had given me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. Was it real? I kept walking towards the house, my eyes couldn’t look away. I was so out of it that I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary until hair brushed my bare legs. Absently I looked down and jumped as high as I could. “Oh my God!” I ignored my body’s protests and ran as far as I could go.

I stopped when I found myself right in front of a dark wood door. Were they behind me? Why were lions and wolves all over the place? How was I still alive? Looking back I saw that none had followed me. They were just walking around. What was this place? My back hit the door as I slid to the floor. I could feel the air being squeezed out of me. My head found itself in between my knees as I tried to take deep breaths. Blood pounded in my ears in rhythm with the erratic beating of my heart.

“Are you okay?” A hand touched my arm and with my heart in my throat I just lunged. The man had barely hit the ground when my fists were pummeling his body.

“Who are you? Leave me alone! Leave now!” I continued to shout until my voice had died. Why was this stranger letting me hit him? He wasn’t even fighting back.

“Are you done?” Amusement danced in his eyes and a smirk formed. I had tired myself out so I just rolled over and sat with my back to the wall. Was he going to kill me?

“If you’re going to kill me just do it already.” A defeated sigh left my lips and laughter met my ears. I frowned. “What’s so funny?”

“If I was going to kill you would I have gone through all the trouble of making sure you got here alive?”

“As if, I swam here all on my own. Besides I have never seen you before.”

“Didn’t you think the island was too calm or wonder why no animals attacked you?” He had sat up and was now leaning back on his elbows, a devilish glint filled his blue eyes.

“Yes, it was weird but there’s no way you had a hand in that. I just lost my sister and I don’t know how long I’ve walked before I got here. So if you could refrain from making stupid jokes I’d appreciate it.” I had tried to block all that happened from my mind because it would do me no good but the tears left my eyes anyway. Two days ago I was tanning with my sister on a cruise, no worries plagued my mind. Now I was alone, thirsty, malnourished and bruised. I just wanted to survive.

Silence was his response, which I appreciated.

Later I found his name was Phaunos and he claimed to be a god, son of Circe and Poseidon. Those lions and wolves were his pets. He had a screw loose in his head. How much time has he been here? He offered a tour of the house and having nowhere else to go, I agreed. Inside was a woman who called herself Circe, she was sitting in a loom when I met her. She took me to a guest room where I could sleep.


I laid on the bed, a fleece blanket made by Circe kept me warm. The scent of lavender and a mix of other herbs filled my nose. The silence of the night was broken by the occasional roar or howl. Could I stay with them? They had offered food, water and a shelter. Maybe I shouldl stay until I find a way off this island.

Four months went by and I was still in the mansion. I had explored the whole island, no one else lived here. Could I make a boat? Maybe, but I wouldn’t survive out there. Each day Phaunos’ story seemed more true. Once a knife fell on his foot, it broke when it touched his skin. Whenever tears threatened my eyes or I fell and hurt myself, Circe would make me tea and suddenly I was happy and unhurt.

Some days I worried I would forget who I used to be, my sister had become a blur in my head. What was the color of her hair? I couldn’t remember the sound of her voice. At night I laid awake and felt the air leave my lungs, my heart beating out of my chest. There was no tea or Phaunos’ kisses. My dreams were plagued by a faceless woman screaming. “Why did you forget me? How could you? You should be the one dead!” Whenever I tried to talk or reach for her, she would disappear. Then darkness would press down on me, I opened my mouth to try and breathe better but it made it worse. I woke up drenched in sweat, crying out for my sister.

“Love, are you okay?” Circe sat and put her arm around me.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that this dream always gets to me. I feel so guilty for being okay, for forgetting her. I wish she could be here with me.”

“I think she would want you to be happy. You have to stop torturing yourself dear. Come on, get some sleep. Tomorrow we can go for a relaxing walk together. A girl’s day, what do you think?” Circe was wary of me at first. She would talk with Phaunos, admonishing him for bringing me here. She told him that he could never do something right. I didn’t understand but I didn’t think much of it either.

“Okay.” I laid back down and she pressed her hand to my forehead. Warmth and content filled me. I slept soundly.

I had a wonderful day with Circe. I was trapped in this island but I didn’t mind it. I had found love in Phaunos and a family with Circe.


I felt arms snake around my waist and warm breath blew on my neck. “Hello there beautiful, I missed you today.”

“Hi there handsome. I missed you too.” I smiled at Phaunos as I turned around to give him a kiss. “Your mom was really nice to me today, you’re so lucky to have her.”

“Lucky? Yeah right, if you say so.” His arms left my waist and he rolled his eyes. I felt as if he didn’t like that I got along with her. Whenever we went out without him he would get angry at me for the pettiest things. Last time it was because his mom made my favorite for dinner, fruits and cheese, instead of the fish he wanted. I hadn’t even asked for it, Circe made it because she knew I had a hard day.

“Don’t be like that, I’m sure she loves you Phaunos.”

“No, she loves you. But whatever, come on. I made your favorite tea.” He took my hand and guided me to the kitchen. A mug warmed my hands as I grabbed and inhaled it. The smell was delicious, sweet and tart at the same time. “Do you know what the special ingredient is?”

“No, what is it?” I took a sip and wrinkled my nose. It tasted slightly different. Maybe it was because he made it instead of Circe.

“Circaea, my mom’s favorite plant.” I swore there was something malicious in his smile.

Suddenly I felt dizzy. What was going on? I tried to get up but then I fell to the floor. Stars filled my vision, not figuratively. A floating head started talking to me. What the hell? I couldn’t understand a word of what she was saying. Was I dreaming? I closed my eyes and felt the sting in my arm as I pinched it numerous times. I could make out Circe’s voice. “What have you done? How could you do this to her? She’ll never recover and the dementia will kill her!” her voice broke when she said kill. Was she talking about me?

“That’s the idea mother. I’m tired of pretending to like her just because you do. I thought maybe you’d be happy I was with her but it made no difference. I’m sick and tired of not being enough for you. I’m leaving now. Enjoy your last moments with the daughter you never had.”

After that all I could hear was silence. Then arms were circling me and a voice kept repeating. “Don’t worry you’ll be okay. You’ll be’ll be okay”. The person’s sobs rocked my body and I tried to understand what was happening. When I could finally open my eyes, a woman was above me. I frowned. “Do I know you?”

If you don't know much about Greek mythology or you'd like to know more about it, you can click here. You'll find more information about Circe that'll help shine light on the story.