Book of Genesis Questions & Discovery Pt.3

in #writing7 years ago

A series of questions:

Cain and Abel was the twin brothers of Eve. Eve was the Mother of All (Divine Mother/Creation goddess reference), including children. Since she had no daughters yet, what did Cain and Abel do for sexual activity? Secondly, the text discussed that Cain knew (had intercourse with) his wife (Gen. 4:17). How? Seriously, how can this be if Eve was the Mother, but had no daughters until Cain was a grandfather? (Gen. 5:4)

Recall to memory of Noah's Ark. How many in arrangement of the animal were introduced to you? 2 by 2, correct? I must try you: I am not sorry to be the bringer of the keys of critical thinking, but the pastors are wrong, once more. The writing of Gen. 7:2 suggest otherwise. There was a 2 by 2 formation of the unclean beasts and 7 by 7 of the clean beasts, summing up to a total of 9 for each created animals . At the conclusion of the "Flood", the clean beast was sacrificed at the altar. Possibly, the people on the ark ate the unclean animals (not all). Aligned this with an open mind, the Bible god wanted to lead people into "sin" on purpose (Gen 8:20-21).

Just for you mind, the Bible god said "My spirit shall not always strive with mean, for he also is flesh; yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." In translation, from that point of speaking, all men and women can live to be 120 years of age to the maximum. Remember that the pastors preach that the Bible god can not lie. That is a lie to another lie. This god told a lie to everyone that read the book and surely, I have proof for you. Not counting Noah (since he passed 120 years before the Bible god said that), these persons lived past 120 years:

Shem (Gen. 11:11, 500 years)
Arphaxad (Gen. 11:13, 403 years)
Abraham (Gen. 25:7, 165 years)
Salah (Gen. 11:15, 403 years)
Eber (Gen. 11:23, 430 years)
Peleg (Gen. 11:19, 209 years)
Reu (Gen. 11:21, 207 years)
Serug (Gen. 11:23, 200 years)
Sarah (Gen. 23:1, 127 years)

How can a person "serve" a god that spoken something that did not happen on contact?

Why don't the pastors tell people that their god allowed men to get raped/sexually assaulted by women and got away with it? In the bible, a father was sexually assaulted by his own daughters (Gen. 19:30-38). Society said men can not get raped by women. That has been going on since Sexuality was on the scene, which was the first "religion", which predated Ethiopia and Kemet (Egypt).

Someone explain how "evil" existed and multiplied after the Bible god took out every evil thing with the world flood.

The Bible god changed Jacob's name/vibration to Israel (Fusion of Goddess Isis, Ra, Amen-Ra, and Elohim), so why does the text keep calling him Jacob? Only 2-3 scriptures featured him as Israel.

Burial site (People including archaeologists keep trying to discover the grave of "Jesus". The bible disclosed the burial site of Joseph the Dream Prophet. He is resting and chilling in Egypt, embalmed and buried. Why people are not trying to find the Dream Prophet.