Evil should not pass beyond us (inspired by a conversation with my friend)

in #writing7 years ago

I do not know how in other countries, but in my country, spiritual practices have become very common. People care about their spiritual growth, travel to places of power, meditate, attend endless trainings. Does it work? I'm not really sure. It is very easy to be spiritual and peaceful when you are in an artificial space specially created for this, and around you people like you. But the real world works differently.

This is surprising, but as practice shows, the first reaction of many (I'm not talking about everyone) adherents of different spiritual practices and schools to the behavior of other people is condemnation. They consider others insufficiently enlightened. But is not this a manifestation of ordinary pride? And we have already seen this in the case of various religions. Everywhere the same principle works.

Once I heard a phrase that I really liked: "Evil should not pass beyond us." It's very simple. And, at the same time, it is extremely difficult. This means that the school of our spiritual growth consists in learning to extinguish the manifestations of evil precisely in our daily lives. It is daily life that is our main spiritual master. Responding to someone else's irritation with calm, on alien aggression by our restraint, and so on, we follow the path of our own spiritual growth.

This does not mean that meditation, spiritual practices, travel to places of power - this is bad. It is wonderful. But this should help us to cope with the difficulties of everyday life, and not to transfer us to a ghostly world, tearing away from reality and confusing spiritual growth with an ordinary escape.