Question 20: What is one thing that happened today that I really want to remember 10 years from now?

in #writing6 years ago

From October 20, 2012:

This is going to sound completely retarded, but I'm a little retarded so here goes.

I'm going to remember seeing an old old friend. Not that it is impossible to communicate with old friends, of course, but there's always murky water with old friends that, through a lot of manipulation and convincing in our past, can be told they are not friends.

My old friend, I think, doesn't like murky water anymore than I do. I think my old friend would rather our friendship be a secret since everyone around us seems to care about the relationship between us. Perhaps the world would implode or something if we're in too close a proximity.

I think the world should burn to the ground then. That way I can finally get what the universe seems to be forcing me to remember. I really did try not to care about you, old friend. I willingly decided to drop our past arguments and confrontations. I've even been trying to forgive all the things that changed and seemed to make things worse for the both of us. And even though I can't forgive you, I always remember how much someone can miss another. Terribly. It feels very tragic to me.

I can't tolerate how long I'll walk the desert after this. Whatever this is.

- Anya

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Tomorrow's Question:
Did I do something today that I can be proud of?

Journal Prompts © Pyxlin