A rant about the ability to know certain things, specifically in regard to the origin of the recent virus.

in #writing5 years ago

This was created for my Facebook audience, but, figured I might as well share it here too.

So... There's a good chance this post will create some controversy or even get me unfriended/blocked by some if it gets seen by more than a couple people, and I don't have much time to argue or debate right now... However, it's on my mind so I just wanna say something real quick.

I just saw a post where some lady was slandering conspiracy theorists in regard to claims of the recent virus being intentionally put upon the public by government. Quite oblivious it seems to Democide, the occult, previous admitted experimentations on the public and just how ruthless the people in power really are.

And... IIRC someone in the comments agreed and claimed they blocked numerous conspiracy theorists for claiming the virus was man made in a lab somewhere and spread by government factions.

They were sort of patting each other on the back for their shared disdain of conspiracy theorists and I'm not new to witnessing this kind of behavior... I just want to touch on it real quick though.

First I wanna say I haven't researched deep into this virus, I personally think it will end up being like the numerous last similar cases in the sense that most people will forget about this in like half a year or maybe even sooner. I certainly could be wrong, but that's what my intuition tells me.

With that said, now that I've admitted my ignorance in regard to the subject I humbly ask anyone who thinks they REALLY TRULY 100% without a doubt know where the virus started to prove it.

Show me exactly where it started and in scientific reproducible manner prove to me without a doubt in a 100% verifiable way exactly where it came from.

I've seen quite a few different articles claiming different sources from animals being tested on in experimental manner, to animal agriculture, to it being created in a government lab in a weaponized manner and more. Which one is right? How do we really truly know for sure? Does anyone truly know? Outside of perhaps those who "MAY" have created/spread it?

I realize a lot of conspiracy theorists go beyond their ability to prove things and I've spoken out about that and will continue to speak out about that, but... You do it too. And by "you" I mean many if not most of you, many if not most people claim all kinds of things they can't prove as truth.

The amount of info being shared like it's fact when it's not is incredible. It's an epidemic in my opinion as it seems like almost everyone seems to know almost everything because they have access to Google.

Well... I'd say 90% or more of the information floating around in general is probably BS or simply inaccurate and if you don't have the critical thinking skills to gauge veracity and tell the difference you're basically doing the same as the conspiracy theorists and are hypocritical to block or unfriend or harbor resentment towards them since you are guilty of the exact same thing essentially.

If you can 100% prove without a doubt where the virus came from, then I will likely change my perspective accordingly and apologize for my limited perspective. However, I really have my doubts anyone will be able to 100% prove such a thing. I think many put a little too much faith in the absolute claims of "authorities" or "experts" as opposed to personal quantification. The bystander effect in effect.

Anyways... Rant over. Peace.


Highly rEsteemed!

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I have no idea where the virus came from, I do feel as if it is being hyped all out of proportion. I do believe it is not acting like a normal virus. Last I saw was 40 dead in the U.S., guess what 30 of those dead are in one state. One state out of 50, not counting the territories of the U.S. Of those 30 dead most of them are from one location. The virus has had plenty of time to travel, to spread through the population, but it seems to be very centralized in where the deaths occur.

You can look at Italy, the big poster child of the panic spreaders, Most of the deaths, well over 80% in Italy when I looked 2 days ago are in one province, one little corner of Italy, once again not behaving like a normal virus and only causing death to those in a pretty specific area.

What is obvious is that the Media and Governments are spreading fear among the people, at the end of the run on this virus will it have killed more people than the common flu? Killed more people than traffic accidents, or any other death stat they keep? I don't think so. AIDS, SARS, MERS, and now the virus we can't come up with a real name for because of political correctness,known as Covid-19 yesterday and who knows what it will be called next week, began as the Chinese Wuhan Flu, then corona virus.

It's a virus, normal everyday protection methods from contracting the normal every day flu will help prevent getting it.

what do you think ?


we know the domestic civilian force in the usa can't do their jobs (florida cop assassinated in the epstein case, ghislaine maxwell running around, jeffrey didn't etc).

what do you think ?

I'm not sure I see any significant connection to this current virus other than the guys job perhaps, though, it does seem suspicious based on the article. I suspect foulplay based on what the family said. Though, I can't say for sure. I don't know.

we know the domestic civilian force in the usa can't do their jobs (florida cop assassinated in the epstein case, ghislaine maxwell running around, jeffrey didn't etc).

I'm not familiar with those cases you mentioned and not totally sure what you mean here? Would you elaborate a bit?

Foul play? you mean shot himself two times in the back of the head? that's the thing, unknown, unknown. it's not normal for cdc officials to "die". It raises questions.

Decorated former Palm Beach detective who led Epstein investigation dies at 50


“She’s Our Waldo, and We’re Gonna Find Her”: The Hunt for Jeffrey Epstein’s Alleged Enabler Ghislaine Maxwell


Seth Rich, 27, was shot multiple times early Sunday morning just past 4 a.m. Patrolling officers said they heard gunshots and went to the scene. Rich died shortly ...


thanks for your comment !

Murder of Seth Rich
The murder of Seth Rich occurred on Sunday, July 10, 2016, at 4:20 a.m. in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Rich died more than ​1 1⁄2 hours after receiving two gunshot wounds to the back. He was murdered by unknown perpetrators for unknown reasons, but police suspected he had been the victim of an attempted robbery.The 27-year-old Rich was an employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories, including the false claim that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016, contradicted by the law enforcement branches that investigated the murder. It was also contradicted by the July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents for hacking the e-mail accounts and networks of Democratic Party officials and by the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

one thing still confusing me is how it originated also i guess nature originate it

It is true that we often speak in a matter of fact way and overgeneralize situations, especially when they fit into our own belief system. Perspective bias. Our brains are full of biases. In the case of the virus, I don't think that anyone knows for certain where it originated. At best we can only make an educated guess so it is kind of silly to say matter of factly that one situation is impossible or stupid to think about or question while another is absolutely correct. That's like the age old superiority complex in humans, believing that our ideas are superior to others. Silly.

I don't know where this virus came from personally. My brain has gone to all sorts of possibilities though. In the end I personally think it's probably just a naturally occurring mutation. Situations where people or animals are over crowded and under stress are essentially breeding grounds for viruses. Low immune system functioning and easy/fast transmission. But again I don't actually know and am open to any idea.

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