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RE: New Story - With new ideas and directions to hand. I'm writing this and posting it straight onto Steemit - You can not get more exclusive than that! 36

in #writing8 years ago

Yippee, I have never been the one to make the vote number goto 100. I was number 100 on your story. Your story is a 100% to me. It is very very good. I am super enjoying this one. I am going to need to take some time and read some of your other works, just so much reading to be done.
I included you and your work in my little steemmag. I know it is not much but I do seem to be averaging 20 views on each volume. I hope it grows, and helps all the authors that I follow grow also. That way more audience means more money which means more stories which means more reading material. I love that kind of a circle, one that grows.
I hope you have a suitable demise in stock for the a**wipe that hurt Ash. I thought at first it was Nigel, but it seems it may not have been, I guess I just have to sit on the edge of my seat and wait for the next installments. Thank you.


Thank you. I'll check out your blog :)