Stop Swimming Against The Current of Life

in #writing7 years ago

We spend so much time working on stuff that we are bad at. We focus on our weaknesses and we try to make them non-existent.

For example. I kept focusing on having a ripped body. While I do know I will achieve that one day, it’s not what I should’ve been focusing on.

My hips are quite wide. In my mind, I always kept telling myself that through enough exercise that will disappear. It’s just fat I thought, but that wasn’t the case. Bone structure cannot be changed, yet I kept trying and persisting. In fact, I kept trying for 4 years straight without any major success.

This is what you can call the exact OPPOSITE of focusing on your strengths.


This all comes down to the core of it all, our mindset. When we aren’t thinking straight and we aren’t 100% honest with ourselves, we will be stuck in a negative mindset. What does the negative mindset do? It always makes you see the negative in the negative, making it even worse.

We ALWAYS have to focus on the positive. When we can find the positive in the negative that’s when the true miracles start to happen.

That is essence is what focusing on your strengths mean.


Think about it, you are in incredible physical condition and you have an amazing body. Yet your bone structure makes you look a bit ‘’different’’ than the bodybuilders on Instagram. Keep in mind you still look amazing, just not exactly the same.

This is where the ego jumps in and starts trying to convince you that you’re not as good as them. Apparently, you don’t look as good because of your bone structure and you need to try harder.

This is what ego is always trying to do. It’s trying to make you FOCUS on your weakness instead of your strengths.

This is where I learnt how to manipulate the ego, to get what I want.


Now let’s look at it the other way around.

You’ve realized that looking like a bodybuilder isn’t in the books for you. You feel miserable for it, but you decide to accept the emotions and move on with your life.

Now that you’ve accepted it you’ve got 10 extra hours that don’t have to be spent working out. Of course, you’re still eating good and exercising. but you’re not obsessing over it since you figured it’s not one of your strengths.

With time you develop a new interest. This time it’s writing, so you take the extra 10 hours that you have every week, now that you’ve given up bodybuilding. You focus on writing, you write every day and you decide to post it online.

You’ve always loved writing, ever since you can remember. You’re good with words, you know how to draw people in and get them excited.

People notice you, they share their positive comments with you, which in return gives you even more ideas.

The momentum is real and with every article, you connect with more wonderful people, get more opportunities and more readers.

You’re absolutely loving life, you’re living your dream and you’re doing what you love.

Everything you want to happen happens for you. Without you even being aware of it.

That’s what it means to do something YOU LOVE, that’s what it means to FOCUS on YOUR STRENGTHS.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,

Benjamin 🙂


That's right Benjamin!

I wrote it as my dream a few months ago that I wanted to be a writer. That it seems to be the best way in giving maximum amount of value to other humans! It's extremely interesting how many more new ideas we get just by reading some simple comments! It puts us outside our head and makes us consider other stuff! Makes us feel extremely good! Makes us feel real abundance!


The highest ideal we want in the future is clearly to try to streamline as many good habits into our life at the same time! That is the struggle but also what makes life great! Always pushing and riding on the edge! And one day all our hard work will gives us a massive reward where we will see massive gains! All because we kept being humble!

It really can take a few years before you find your true calling so to say. But have patience and it will eventually come to you. What you did in this article is awesome because you express gratitude and open yourself up to more abundance!

For example my writing on my website took around 6 months and now in February I saw this massive spike in traffic! All because I invested real time around 1 hour of focus per day to get some writing done! And it clearly paid off! Writing and create legit value is a sure way to success.

Screen Shot 2018-02-24 at 14.44.01.png

What we discover when we write everyday is that we will live in abundance all the time! And there will always come better and smarter ideas! Since I been writing daily for the last couple of years the momentum really starts to pay off I'm starting to detect!

I think you will highly appreciate this video that talks about Flow in terms of success! And how important it is to go into a process orientation mode! Since you should always stick to the process that you know produce results!