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in #writing8 years ago (edited)

I believe transparency is one of the words of my generation. I grew up in a pretty conservative household. Keep personal business as private as possible. Save money. Be humble. Those sort of vibes. Even if you didn't grow up like this I know most people try to maintain as much privacy as possible online. People are always trying to keep their information safe.

Of course I do agree with this still. There are bad people out there. It doesn't feel natural to me for the world to know even my basic information. It is so easily stolen.

It's funny though. In my opinion, if you think about it, the point of these social media websites is to really be as open as possible. Make connections. Get to know people. To make friends. I've noticed this since Myspace. The people that were more open and less afraid of being murdered by some crazy online psycho, the more fun and success they had online. Yes there was a risk but they either were too dumb to realize it or didn't care. If every single person online used social media with less fear and paranoia of our fellow human, every social media site would be a wild success.


It's considered rude to ask how much someone gets paid. When I discovered that Steemit openly shows how much every user had in their account, I was intrigued. This went against everything I was told was safe or polite growing up. Keep your finances to yourself! But I realized I really didn't care. Society is changing. People are seeing the world differently.

Growing up during sort of the dawn of the internet I see the people slowly unveiling their true selves. People are becoming less shy. Less caring of other's opinions. People really want to share who they are, what makes them different.

Generation Z is showing perhaps how the internet and social media sites can really function with total wide spread, regular use. Constant selfies, vlogs, streams, gaming. It's really admirable. Yes there are bad and cringey sides to it but progress is a volcano. Destructive yes, but it creates and grows as well.

We all want to share ourselves, always have. People finally can. The internet is really just becoming a mirror of real life. People are starting to have less secrets.

Steemit is the way to repay the people for their constant internet uses and contributions. Micro earnings or big time earnings. Life is still life.

People can be more giving and help pitch in and help people gain some value.

I believe this is a very amazing and special change happening in the minds of the people. I would love to live in a world where people are just free to spew out and create whatever they please.

I believe if the wealth on this planet was more evenly distributed we could all live pretty comfortably. Call me crazy, I might be. I believe crypto currency and Steemit can help people have value. Hopefully enough value where nobody is in poverty. The next thing to get rid of is greed. But I am afraid that might be a tricky one.


Thinking of transparency, I also think of how great it is to move finances and money faster across the globe. Steemit can link the money with social media.

Imagine if somebody created the ultimate, flawless language translator. It would have to be perfect, able to detect each language's various slang and whatnot. I notice how HUGE the Asian community is on Steemit. Obviously this goes for any language but I'm just saying.

It is really a tragedy how much content I miss out on and how many people I never get to conversate with because I only speak measily old English.

Imagine being able to suddenly easily communicate with every single person on this planet. No weird, confusing, hard to understand translations with Google translate. I'm talking smooth and flawless translations. Instant messaging level accuracy and efficiency.

The day this happens the amount of possible interactions instantly at least doubles. The day this invention happens is the day our cultures on this planet REALLY start blending.

What do you think of my latest rant? LOL But seriously what are your thoughts about our more and more transparent global society?

Steem on everyone.

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Super duper hit. However, one of the worst feeling is, when we minnows write good content like this, it doesn't get its proper value, and, we have nothing to motivate ourselves.

Thanks for thinking I wrote good content :) True it is very depressing looking into the abyss of not much earned. I just try to enjoy the writing process and have fun with it. have a good day Steem on!!

great work! keep it up!

thank you :)