Trapped Between Two worlds Prologue

in #writing7 years ago

Ok I will start by including my prologue. After a few days I will include an excerpt of chapter one, than chapter two and so on. Enjoy


"So what is this thing, you people call reality? And what is so bad about your reality that you want to run away from it? Tell me Ned - actually I changed my mind. I don't want you to start bothering me with one of your sad, depressing stories, of how boring your world is, and how bad you want to live in your made up one. That is the reason, why you did it right? You wanted to experience what it is to be important; what it is for people to fear you, and to follow your command; even though they may secretly despise you behind your back. You wanted to feel special. So you created me. You made me look just like you; but without your insecurities and weaknesses; without your weirdness and need for approval. You made me a lord; you gave me the cheesy name of Edward and a castle to run; in a made up land; in a made up world. You made me a combination of your dreams- both childhood and current. But at the end of the day, it will be just another medieval fairy tale, that only kids would want to read; won’t it? You would end up making me just another superficial character; might not be intentional or not; but that's would end up doing. You would make me just as superficial as your life at the moment. Isn't that what you always wanted; to make everyone and everything as superficial as you?"
"You are being unfair. You know that is not true. And why do you keep torturing me? Why are you so evil?"
"How can I be evil? Or good for that matter? How can I be anything, when I only exist in your mind? Well, at least up until now. Very soon you will be the superficial lord Edward, and I will be Ned. Your wish will come true. You will escape your reality; you can have mine and my world also. And then I will have yours. Oh and when your friends ask you, what are they doing stuck with you, in the stupid world you created, tell them it was your fault that they are there. And their doubles, the characters you made up who look like them, will be here in the real world with me, and then you will truly appreciate what it is to be real."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Oh don't worry Ned. You will find out very soon."

“On my count of my voice you will wake up. Relax, you are almost awake. And you will wake in 3, 2, 1” and the professor snapped his fingers. “So how was the meditation this time?”
“Very relaxing, as usual. Thank you doc” Ned responded, while still sounding a bit drowsy. “How long was I out?”
“For about 40 minutes, like every time.”
“And every time, it feels like it has been at least 2 – 3 hours.”
“That’s the beauty of hypnosis son; it make time feel like an abstract concept. And technically speaking time is an abstract concept, it just people don’t see this way. So, is there something new you want to bring up today?”
“You mean, something that we don’t talk about every time? I don’t think so.”
“What about your book? How is that going?”
“I got a few chapters out of the way. It is coming all right so far.”
“Tell me more about that. Last time you mentioned that majority of the characters are people you know, just with different names. And I believe you are the main character.”
“I am a bit embarrassed to talk about that doc” Ned’s face was blushing, he looked nervously down at the ground.”
“Why, what is there to be embarrassed about? It’s perfectly normal, if you ask me. I wonder how many writers, have written their books this way; they just don’t admit it. In fact it is the most natural thing to do when writing a book, especially for a first time- to imagine the main characters as people we know, and even ourselves.’
“Well, I am not a real writer doc. I haven’t written or published anything yet, though I was hoping to make an exception with this book. And yes, imagining the characters as people I know helps me write better. It helps me describe the characters better, when I know how they look; I give them their personalities so that they match their look, though not always. “
“Ok that’s a start, so tell me more about the actual story, and about your character.”
“Well, it takes place in a parallel universe, meaning everything is like our world, except that it has never happened. I don’t want to be accused of historical inaccuracy. Anyway, it takes place in medieval times, or somewhere around this time. It doesn’t matter a whole lot, because I am not really using dates. And my character, the one who looks like me, is a lord, his name Edward Rayland, but everyone calls him the Dark Lord. He used to be a good man back in the day, but certain traumatizing events have made him in to a very dark and bitter person, with a very negative look on life, thus they call him the dark lord; plus he always wears black, just like the color of my hair. While he looks exactly like me physically, his personality is completely different. He doesn’t have all the insecurities I have, and has very high self-confidence about himself, though he doesn’t feel the need to demonstrate it. He is not arrogant, and hates arrogant people, though he is not exactly humble either. He hates stupid people, and values people who know how to use their brain. Has a lot of respect for smart people in other words, even if they are his enemies. He doesn’t feel the need for attention, or approval like do. He is a high lord, to a king, who he despises, because he thinks is too weak, but still hasn’t found the right opportunity to revolt against him. People either fear Edward, or have sworn to serve him; notice most people in the kingdom, actually serve Edward, and not the king. Basically, Edward is everything I am not.”
“But you wish to be?”
“Well I don’t want to be evil, but the rest, yes I do…”
“So why, did you make him evil?”
“Because, I am constantly frustrated and disgusted with this live. The more I live, the more feel is unfair. And you know what they say- good guys finish last. So, I decided to make him a bit cruel, cold and never showing emotion, and see how it goes from there. Still not sure how to end it for him though. Either he will end up winning the whole thing, with the moral of the whole story – good guys finish last, or don’t always win – like in the real world. Or maybe Edward will take the road to redemption and die like a hero. I haven’t decide which way. I have always dreamed to be the hero myself you know. Ever since a little kid, I keep picturing myself, saving either a very beautiful girl, or maybe a group of people, but get stabbed or shot in the process, and people gather around me, while crying. I imagine people being thankful for what I have done, being thankful for my bravery, and remembering me. Because if you think about it doc, we all are going to die sooner or later. Majority of us, will be forgotten by the society; hell most people won’t even knew we existed. But I always dream of having a special place in history, and be remembered. This way you or shall I say your legacy lives forever. I know this will never happen to me in the real life most likely, but at least I can have it for my character. Though I may not go this route; it feels a bit cheesy. And when I write I am a perfectionist, I don’t want anything cheesy in my book. I hope I am not bothering you doc, I can talk sometimes for too long without stopping “
“Not at all son. But I was wondering something. You said you dream about having your place in history, but you know, Hitler and Stalin for example, had their special place in history, though certainly not in a positive way. Now, I know these two are a bit extreme examples, but nevertheless, is that how you want to be remembered? I mean, are you wishing to earn fame so badly, even if it is a terrible fame?”
“I think about that often. Sometimes I think, that negative fame is far better than no fame at all; sometimes not so much. But you are missing the point doc. The whole reason about writing this book, is not just to become a famous writer someday. I mean yeah, that will be nice, but that is not the main purpose. I am writing this book, to escape the boring everyday reality I live in. don’t get me wrong doc, I am not trying to sound ungrateful. I appreciate everything I have – I am in good health, have both of my legs and hands, I have a roof over my head, and a steady job, which automatically makes me better off by millions or maybe even billions of people. But at the same time, I am not seeing any purpose of living. Like, it is the same thing every single day. Get up, eat, shit, go to work, go home. Next 4 days same thing. Then the weekend comes, you do what you do to relax for these two days, then go back to work on Monday. People wake up, constantly waiting for the weekend, waiting for their next pay check, waiting for their vacation, waiting for their promotion, which may never came, waiting to retire peacefully, and before they realize it, life ends. Yes that’s a bit cliché and kind of philosophical, I am not going to be the first or the last person, who have said that, but for me, it is just too much. Where is the fun adventure, where I the fame, where is the glory. You, may say, I sound like a kid, and it may be true, but so what? I want to experience something different, I want something most people will never experience. This book is the closest thing I get to escape at least for a little bit, from this grey, boring, everyday reality. It helps me create a world, in which everything is possible, in which I am in control, and don’t have to be considerate with no one and nothing.”
“I see. You sound really passionate about this story, which makes me very happy.”
“I have to be passionate about something. I have been single for I don’t know how long, my dog recently died, I am divorced, and my son lives in another continent; I don’t even watch football like I used to. This book is everything. I hope I don’t sound like a retard.”
“Why do you constantly feel like you have to apologize, or feel bad for what you said or did? I thought we talked about it son. Confidence, confidence is the key.”
“And see that’s another thing. Edward would never have been like that. He would simply not care, about what other people think of him. Not me though; I constantly struggle with that. “
“Who else is in the story?”
“Many of my friends, some coworkers. Girls I know from different places. And sometimes even strangers. Once in a while I will try to make up my own appearance for a character, but that’s in rear cases.”
“Yeah like I see someone on the street, with very distinctive features, I think to myself – he has perfect appearance for character X, or she is perfect character Y.”
“Am I in your book?”
“You are doc. Your character is called Myles, and he is a grand sorcerer. “
“Wow, that’s cool. You know when I was a kid, I used to dream of becoming a professional magician – something like David Copperfield. I admired his tricks, and how amazing he was. Of course, my father quickly ended my dreams, like most fathers would when they hear that their kid wants to be a professional magician. So instead, I started studying science, and more specifically psychology, though other types of science a well. So here I am today. But now, my kids dream will become true, at least on paper. So thank you for that. Tell me more about my character, the grand sorcerer.”
“Well, in the western part of the kingdom, magic is not allowed; it is only practiced in the eastern part, or as I refer to it in the book, the “unknown world.” The grand sorcerer is the only exception. And he doesn’t really have any magic skills either, except for one, more for that later, so he really serves as an advisor to the king. However, he is a man of Edwards, one of his closest accomplices, and together they plan to overthrow the king.”
“I like the sound of that, me and you in cahoots against the king; against the system if you will. Anyway, sorry for interrupting you. Tell me more about this sorcerer.”
“Well he is a very sneaky man, and not very trustworthy, a bit creepy if you will. “
“Do I look creepy? Be honest Ned, I promise I won’t get offended.”
“Well, to be honest, when I first saw you… Man, I shouldn’t say that, I don’t want to offend you.”
“Come on Ned, we should be past that already. Don’t be afraid, I promise I won’t get mad at you.”
“Well, when I first met you…. I got the impression that you look like a pedophile or a child molester.”
The professor laughs loudly. “Lol, do I really give people that impression? Is it my hairstyle or my clothing? I am just curious, to see on what I have to work on”.
“Your eyes and your smile was what creeped me up initially. But I told myself, that I shouldn’t judge people by how they look, and I gave you a chance. And I am glad I did. You helped me a lot doc. And still help me every day. You are a good person, unlike the character in my book.”
“Well let’s not jump to conclusions there son. I can be an asshole sometime. But I am glad, you think this way. So it sounds like it may turn out to be a great book. I would like to read it once you finish it, even if you never publish it. But I do believe you will publish it someday, and that many people will read it.”
“I sure hope so. It will really mean a lot for me.”
“You should see how excited you get when you talk about your book.”
“It’s my creation, my baby. I keep my finger crossed it gets published one day. “
“Ned can I ask you something. If you had a chance to live in the world you’re created, in your story, would you do it? Would you like to know what it really feels like to be Edward’s shoes?”
“Oh my God, in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t think twice about it.”
“But what if that meant, that you never get to return to the real world?”
“Who cares; didn’t you listen to what I said just a minute ago, about the boring reality? But why do you ask?”
“I am glad you ask. You see Ned, I am not just a psychologist, and I am also a scientist, primarily the concept of time and time traveling. For the past few years, I have been doing a research, for which I had to take a few bank loans, and now that the research is towards its end, I am glad I did. “The professor opens his cabinet and takes a small metal device, with one red button, two long black buttons, one of them extending all the way down, while the other shifted half way up. On both ends of the device there was a circle, metal plaster and a rugged surface on the top and bottom of the device, and brown wooden surface on the device.
“What is that doc? Forgive me the ignorance, but I don’t think I have seen this device before.”
“Nothing to forgive laddie. No one has; because it is a brand new product. Ned, let me introduce you my invention – I call it the D2. It is first of its kind mind traveling machine.”
“Mind traveling?”
“Exactly. This device, when touched to your forehead and pressing the red button, will automatically transfer your brain to a chosen destination. And the best part is, this destination doesn’t have to be real; it only has to be real in your head. So, for example, let’s say you want to become Edward from your book, all you have to do is imagine him, and the place where you want to go, and you will be inside his head. Now I have to underline this is only mental time traveling; your body never gets transferred, only your mind does. This is possible because the receptors of this device, are able to instantly communicate and read your brain and your thoughts. Then, presuming you have a good imagination, the receptors capture your thoughts, and in less than a second create the whole illusion like it is in your head. Then your brain, which is a very powerful by the way, accepts this illusion as its reality. And I can’t stress this importance of this fact but the brain is by far the most powerful device humans possess. It helps us accept our reality, it is the reason why we feel pleasure or pain, the reason why we act a certain way, and so on. Unfortunately people can only control only 5 % of their brain, and some dumb individuals even less (that was a joke), or we all would have been Mind travelers Well my D2, increases this percentage almost by 2, at least for a few short moments, allowing your mind to travel in parallel universes, or places that exist only in your mind. However, just because your body will still be in the real world, so to speak, it doesn’t mind that while you are in the parallel universe, you won’t feel anything. In fact because like I said, the brain is connected to all of our sense, you will physically feel everything that happens to you while in this parallel universe. This way it won’t just feel like a dream, but it will feel 100% real. So real that your actual body won’t feel anything while separated from you, in the real world. Just like a disable person can’t feel his or hers legs, even if they are on fire, because they are no longer connected to the spinal cord, or thus to the brain. But you, while in your own reality, will feel everything – every single touch or hit, simply everything. How does that sound, laddie? You look shocked.”
Indeed the surprise on Ned’s face was more than obvious. “Are you being serious right now? So you mean to tell me, that if I touch this not even 1 kilogram heavy device to my forehead and press the red button, I will be transferred to Edward’s head in my story, if that is what I wish and desire; I mean mind will be transferred?”
“Exactly Ned; just press it against your forehead, think about the imaginary kingdom from your book, press the button, and boom you are there.”
“And you are being serious? Like 110% serious?”
“Again, yes I am.”
“What’s with the black buttons? Why is one of them extended half way up, while the other one is all the way down?”
“These are the settings of the D2. I have made it to go to one way transfer, which means that only you can transfer yourself in Edward’s brain, and not him in yours.”
“How he can do this if he doesn’t even exist?”
“He will, at least in your brain, as soon as you press the button. Which means that if you choose to, you can make a double transfer. This way he can take over real body, here in the real world, while you completely take over his in your story; mentally at least. So in an event, you get tired of this world completely, and you want to live in his world only, or at least for a while, just set it on double standard. Thus in your brain, your reality will the same as in your story, and you can say you are truly living in it. Then once you decide you had enough, just set the D2 to double transfer, press it against your forehead, press the red button, and your mind will return back to the real world. But be careful laddie; time feels differently in the planet universe. A day in the real world may be equal to 10, maybe even 20 days in the imaginary world. Can’t say for sure, but it will definitely change your perception of time, but most of all it will change your perception of reality. You got to be careful that you don’t overuse it, or you might completely lose yourself. You will not be able to differentiate what is real and what’s not. You might completely forget about the real world. You may even go insane.”
“Wait a second, I got to ask, how is it that this hasn’t been on the news yet, and that only I know about it?”
“Because it is far from legal. No first or second world country’s government would allow this research to take place, never mind allowing the product to be produced for mass consumption. Not to mention, that in the wrong hand, this can become a very powerful weapon, or an extremely sophisticated spying method. Only a few minor changes will be needed. And let’s not forget, that if you unattached it like this in the middle”, the professor squeezes gently the D2, pressing a very tiny black button, towards the bottom of the device at the same time, and easily unattaches the device in two even halve, “and then you reattached with the top side facing the other way”, and he attaches it. “Now the code is reversed. What does that mean? Well the way it is set up right now, only a real person can initiate the transferring into an imaginary person that only exists in their imagination. But remember once you go to your imaginary world for instance, your characters will become alive in your mind. If the code switched then they can initiate the transfer as well. Thus this so called made up doubles; for a lack of a better word, let’s call them doubles; will be able to initiate the transferring into their original human form, which they are made to represent. To say it in other words, since most of your characters, lookalike real people that you know, if the code is switched, then they can take over the bodies of the real people, you thought them after; completely capturing their mind.”
“But how is this possible?”
“Think of it as a computer virus. These are virtual in nature as well, but once created, the person who created them, can send it from his host computers to computers all over the world. Your mind is the host computer in this analogy, and your characters are the virus. This is another reason, why western countries will never approve this device – not only that you can control your own state of mind, but if it falls in the wrong hands, or used inappropriately, you can control the mindset of every person that you choose to include your model. All you do is think him or her up, and they become real in your imaginary world. Then if the code is reversed, you can send these characters in the real world, and to shift the reality of their original mind owners, to such extent that your story will be the only reality they will know will be your story. So if someone piss you off for instance, you can send him in your story, change his or hers personality however you like, and the character you created can take its place. Again, that was a joke, but not really, since it is completely possible to happen. But don’t worry; this is very unlikely to happen. You have to either give the device willingly to one of your characters, or you have to lose it, but loosing this is like losing your smart phone, wallet or keys – the things we are most careful not to lose every time we live our homes. This is also a key so to speak- a key to a reality if you will, and it will be the reality you choose. Just be careful not to overdo it. And of course, just don’t lose it.”
“So if this device is so powerful, and so illegal why did you create it?”
“Who said it was to be sold in Germany, or Europe for that matter. Well maybe someday, but that is not my plan. I am leaving for Argentina in a few weeks: some of my old colleagues, ad old acquaintances, also German like me, live there. They know the right people, and the ones they don’t they can give a few extra pesos. I will try to get approved there. But before I can do that, I have to have at least one volunteer, to test it, to see if works. As you can imagine I don’t have any. Remember this device hasn’t been tested before. Well actually I did, and the results were inclusive. Not that I didn’t expect them to be. You see I performed the test one dog and a duck in a lab. I knew shouldn’t do it, because this machine isn’t to be used on animals. Their brains are much smaller than humans’ and don’t function properly. Still I needed a quick test, so I had no choice.”
“And what exactly happened in the experiment?”
“I tied one of the paws of the dog, to one of the duck’s legs. Then I pressed it once against the dog’s head, and the duck’s. After wards the dog started thinking he is a duck, and started making quaking sounds. The duck started thinking it is a dog, and started barking. Poor animals were struggling so after an hour, I did the only human thing to do, and put the dog to sleep. The duck was delicious by the way. No it did not taste like a dog. Remember their bodies stayed the same. Plus I couldn’t risk, someone seeing them or they could have tried to stop the project. Plus the dog was a starving, homeless dog anyway; and the duck was so fattened, it was just a few steps away from being served at the dinner table. Yes I feel bad for the animals, but it was in the name of science.”
“But you said the animals were suffering? Will this thing happen to me?”
“Very unlikely. Like said our brains are bigger, function differently, and we have the awareness state. Not to mention the two animals were so completely caught off guard and were truly confused. You on the other hand will be prepared and you won’t have the shock. But let me ask the question again. Ned, how do you like as of right now, this very moment, to step Edward in shoes and bring him back to life?” Since you will be the brave volunteer, I won’t charge you anything for the D2, and even our session today will be free. However, I needs your response now. Otherwise I have to ask some of my customers to see if they will be interested. Though this will be terribly disappointing. But at the end of the day, I need at least one volunteer to pass successfully the experiment, so I can get it approved. Even in third world country like Argentina, people want some kind of verification.”
“May I just ask one question? Why me? Why did you choose me for a volunteer? I am not your most loyal client, neither ht5e first.”
“True, but you are the most interesting subject. You are the only one of my customers who is writing a book, and with imaging himself and other people he knows as the main characters. That right there is more than a bonus. You fit the role of a test subject much better than anyone else. So, for the third time the million dollar question – would you do it? You said how important this character are to you Med, and how bored you are with the current life. Now prove it. This is a onetime opportunity. Ned, how do you like to be Edward, the Dark Lord?”
“A smart man once taught me, when the opportunity knocks on your door, don’t make it knock twice. Give me the D2, I am ready. I just hope this really works, and not some type of a hoax.”
“Smart man. I knew you would make the right choice today, and won’t let me down. Here, the D2 is yours.”
Ned took the device. Then he relaxed on the couch, closed his eyes, and pictured Edward in his head. Then he pressed the D2 into his forehead and pressed the button. He completely forgot, that the code is switched. The last thing he remembered seeing was the professor’s creepy grim.