What Is Motivation?...A Key Question Indeed.

in #writing7 years ago

Perhaps most of my dear fellow Steemian will definitely wonder what might have been going on in my mind the moment i decided to write on this topic,but indeed i do have my own drive force behind this piece of article.

Personally i have been thinking what has kept me on the move ever since i was born,or has been giving me the energy or the spirit to do more and achieve more in life before i retire in graveyard.But of latterly i come to a conclusion with my senses that it has to be motivation and nothing else,so as a result of my elite conclusion i will now answer this question preciously.

What is Motivation

According to the Cambridge advance learners dictionary motivation is the inner ability that give you the will to undertake a certain or a specific tasks and achieve it to fully maximization.

Other sources that i come through during my research would define motivation as the will power behind an individuals success or achievement in life,guess what the moment i got to understand the meaning of motivation i solemnly agreed that motivation is what has kept me going over the years.Now let us look at the sources of motivation.

Sources of Motivation

When it comes to sources of motivation according to me i would say that number one source of motivation is parents,parents do play an important role when it comes motivating their children.This will take place when parents keep encouraging their children that you can be the best you want to be in life as long as you work hard on it and as result motivation will come as result.This parenting motivational perspective will definitely drive this child to greater heights

A very good example is the story of Dr Ben Carson who was the most dummiest kid in class,but after their mother quiet a number of motivational talk through her encouragement and support today mr Ben Carson is one of the best pediatric neurosurgeon in the world has ever have,a professor in medicine and a one of the top scholars in the world currently.

Another source of motivation is teachers who spend alot of time with children of whom are not their children but perhaps they definitely act as people this children can look up to,because when teachers encourage a child to keep on pushing hard in a particular dimension in life that child is not good at latter on the child will perfect and be a master in perfection.

Some other sources of motivation can come from reading motivational books,as for me many a time my inner motivation has come from reading motivation books of which have left feeling much elevated after been hit with a discouragement in this journey of life.

Also from attending motivational forums and listening to motivational speakers quiet some time can really help uplifting a soul when feeling hopeless,Something else listening to a motivational song can do you better and this has been working for me since i am a music enthusiast to mention so.

Some other element as a source of motivation can be when an individual has gone to a paralegal counselor as a way of opening to someone else as a way of acquiring advice and motivation since you are feeling low in your inner mortal been,also listening to a sermon in a mass congregation within a church now i will show you how to acquire motivation.

How to Acquire Motivation

Motivation Acquirance

First of all i will say that you have to believe in yourself by listening to your inner man whether your inner man is strong enough to uplift itself or it's weaker to a point it can't uplift itself,if you are a weak character what you need to do just speak with your self and let it go by assuring yourself that you can do it no matter what it takes and surely you will achieve the dreams,ambitions,visions and goals of your life by all chance.

This sense of attitude will definitely bring you the motivation of the highest order that you have never fell in your life ever since you where born whether you are a male or a female human being.Also do encourage yourself that you can do all things in life despite what you are facing currently because challenges do last for a moment personally that is what i do believe.

How to Utilized Your Motivation

There is quiet a number of ways you can utilize your motivation but the best way to utilize your drive will power as i may call it in life,it should enable you to achieve the purpose of your life that God intended for you even before he formed you in your mother's womb since it will be bad for you to die without achieving your purpose here on earth because someone once said the richest place on earth is the graveyard since there is alot of purposes that where never achieved at all.

Now let me say to all the Steemian who will take their time and read this post indeed your motivation can help to scale greater heights here on Steemit as a Blockchain Network through mining with your mind and coming with a content that will inspire and transform someone life,let me hope that i will really fix someone life somewhere by what i have written here.

Lastly to encourage someone since encouragement is the source of motivation


Just collect the broken pieces in your life together fix them and move on with life that's the message behind this picture.

Thank you for taking time to read my article.


Your boy David
