Codex Primum I (A Novel)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)



Understanding the beginnings of this experience (life) seems to be a function of organisms that have become self-aware.

Somewhere through the life processes, and the processes seen from the observation of the conscious mind, a desire to seek an understanding of why the individual identity has been allowed to exist will cross the thought processes of whoever searches far enough for the answers.

An infinite amount of ways in which to view this existence are available and at your disposal. Yet, our minds are geared towards associating what is generally taken as the “mainstream” answer that conforms to our own social identity.

This social identity is heavily influenced by locally-derived cultural norms that are mimicked within smaller groupings of identity. Even our subjective viewpoints of reality, differ from person to person. Subtle differences occur between two individuals that may or may not conform to a shared identity along the chain of compartmentalized identities that are all possibilities. The mind compartmentalizes all aspects in this reality-

[to keep you in a linear order of existence].

Consciousness is something that is enjoyed by self-aware life. Our reality consists of a series of biological processes that work in unison to allow for the creation of our conscious minds. It is foolish for us to see our personal lives as unique when everything that we can see in the physical world works for, and is a part of larger orders of identity.

For instance, all the cells that make up the human body are not alike. They are all bound to work together within the body system dictated by your genetic DNA coding. The cells within your lungs have a set purpose, and live within a concealed environment. Individual cells work together for the organism, which in this case is that of the identity of being a lung.

Who is to say that those same lung cells are not conscious beings who utilize their senses to perform the function dictated by the higher order to their existence?

We feed a higher order of existence much like that of the analogy given above. We feed a series of consciousnesses that culminate with the consciousness of the entirety, as we are a remnant of the energy that has been here since the very beginning.

When we die, we assume our role within the higher order of consciousness. Consciousness is compartmentalized along lines of identity. Anywhere that multiple consciousness minds collude, enables the creation of a new consciousness to take shape. That is a life form as it absorbs energy, and gives off energy by all of its moving parts.

Think deeply about the concepts I am talking about here; and open your eyes to the truth.- "We are a part of the consciousness that runs the entirety of existence. We all live on within that paradigm".

The first order of identity you have as you look outside of self is that of your family. This, of course, is in the beginning. Minds work together to set order and routine into the mix. Norms are realized and the unit begins to think alike. All in appearance between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The energy given freely by the minds of the members works as the life force for the organism. This life force is fluid. It cannot be seen with the naked eye just as WiFi cannot be seen, but does exist.

Scale up that view, and you will begin to see another life force emerge with social groupings of identity. Then nationalism, race, heritage, etc..., then after a long road of discovery, and finally after all those identities have been realized, you will eventually find the highest order for your kind in realizing you are a part of the human species.

Take it further up along the chain of consciousness, and we become an animal of the Earth, then become life on Earth, then eventually, the Earth itself. If you keep scaling upwards through all the known processes that exist above the order of humans, and you will see that that consciousness starts to get exponentially larger as you scale out.

If you keep searching for roots of identity and how you are a part to that higher order, as without you, the organism would not be complete, and without it, you would not exist. There is a mutually beneficial relationship between you and all of consciousness in that way. You will eventually see that the entire universe constitutes one consciousness, and you and the rest of humanity are a part of that conscious mind.

You and I live on. We all live on as we feed a higher order of existence. One that does not live and die a short 70 years, but has been here since the beginnings, and will be here long after your physical form is gone...

We see such a narrow view of existence in general. Our senses do not allow us to experience the entirety to the complexity that surrounds us. The fundamentally shared commonality between all living, conscious beings, is the energy that is shared. Energy is information, which is data, which is mechanically driven.

We are the result of processes of a mechanical nature where multiple groupings of cellular life are working in synchronicity to achieve a common goal. These processes have allowed for the formation of the self-identity.

Self-identity is not unique to humans and is found in all examples of self-programming lifeforms.

Consciousness is not unique to humans, and it is easy to see the cyclic nature of this existence. An endless paradigm of interlocking cycles makes up our 3D reality.

We live in a reality dictated by cause and effect. Everything is the result of a cause.

Consciousness has to exist on higher orders of existence because it exists at our level. That is the proof.

As above, so below.


This is a culmination of the writings for the Codex in it's edited form. These writings are created on this platform and I intend on publishing the finished product somewhere in the future. I am a writer by trade, but these beliefs are where I have found myself. I hope you enjoyed the mental exercise this hopefully evoked, and hopefully this provoked a new train of thought, if even for just a moment. Look for more to come in the following days, and follow me. I want to share this journey with whoever is willing to listen. Continue reading the series here.



Thank you for sharing
I will be happy if you support me

people are just hungry for more and more they are animals...they don't care ..No matter what we'll survive it
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Anything along the land we consuming
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