Random Topic Wednesday - special prize inside(Politics)

in #writing7 years ago

This is generally a subject that most people are always actively involved, but seldom want to be involved in. Politics is everywhere and there is nothing we can do about it.

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Ever had a chat about work or government or anything where money is involved? Somehow politics has its way into every single conversation. It is like a disease that festers everywhere and just needs a few simple things to get it spreading like a fire.

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Now here is a joke for you. A man that has committed crimes and raped women and has not even finished his high schooling will become a president. South African people love a great joke right? Well this happened, and he even got another 4 years... Now the whole country wants him to step down, but he has corrupted the whole system so badly that he can'y be voted out... We got our joke and now we dying... of laughter. (Oh how I HATE sarcasm)

This happens all over the world, look at the US and Trump. Well here is a few videos I love, hope you also enjoy them:

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This one you will love and laugh at.

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Now you wonder why people really love politics so much...

Please feel free to suggest any random strange topics you would like me to write about. The best comment/suggestion will receive an upvote and will have their topic choice put up the following week

Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Just goes to show literally anyone can get elected. You're not going to find a lot of real hope in politics but you can definitely use it make a change...

my dear friend... in Italy as a joke we say... steal 1 euro and you will go to jail... steal 10 million and you will become a politician. Check out who Berlusconi is and what he did.

Pretty much the same thing in France (Sarkozy, Balkany, etc. (for the actual ones))
They have ruined the french politicians credibility...

different countries... same shit!

This type of stuff happens all over the world. It takes a special type of slime to float to the surface of the political swamp. Sometimes decent people get to the top, but most of the time, it's the self-serving trash with zero integrity and principles.

Worst of all, it currently seems to be an epidemic of disgusting people running countries.

DC SS, how ironic!

Wow this is just amazing, I think I might have a few ideas.

Haha - that sounds a little like South Africa too 😆

every where in the world the shit is smelling shit

Ahhhh... politics... We have to have someone to laugh at hey 😉😳

yes to laugh about yes... but we need someone to guide us... someone that will create job opportunities... someone that will really be on our side! So far none of those

Now that's a fact 🙁
Hence, we become our own bosses and try give job opportunities to others... 😉

Here here, we being we, and not wee weeed on.

How about myth debunking? Choose the myth of your choice!

All hookers are junkies? - (From personal experience), Just like in any industry - the best rise to the top - and all the girls I know that are successful - ALL of them have degrees ( business, marketing etc)

The a myth to debunk! ( I can give you lots of inside info if we have a 'business arrangement')

How about - your perspective on the purpose of a democratically elected government, and in turn how the political landscape of today have moved the government away from fulfilling that purpose.

and your pushup/situp idea is phenomenal

This is a great one :)

or you can just post about slaying dragons...

I just hate politics man! I stay as far away as possible!
About the strange topics that I would like you to write is firstly : Which was the most embarrassing moment of your life!!? And secondly :
Apollo 11 moon landing- Your views on it, true or fake!!!

Thank you for your comment and suggestions they are great.

Politics...Never interested in them at all @dragonslayer109!
Let me suggest something strange that I would like to read from you, If you were the opposite sex, who would you date and why!!!?

This is a great topic, will be crazy to do this one :)

Humm, you could just interview bruce, or what ever his/her girly name is.

Thanks for taking a light hearted approach ;) Politics is an interesting game because no matter how you run, all the people are telling you what you believe and half of them that tell you what you believe hate you.

You can never win.

so true...I ran for City Council once. What a dog and pony show...and as you said, I didn't win hahaha

Politics is a tough subject to discuss with people without coming off aggressive. People get offended if you let them know about something they weren't aware of. Educating people in the political realm is tricky business.

I prefer to avoid them at all costs :D

you're definitely right, politics is one shunned topic tat keeps coming up in conversations. trevor noah :)