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RE: Birds are people, too!

in #writing6 years ago

And thank you for the thoughtful and interesting comment!

"That is just my speculation on what she could have meant, not that that makes a whole lot of sense either."

Yes, your take on it also sounds like something she would say. Her and Grampa were somewhat quiet about their beliefs (unless asked), but I know they were into some alternative ideas. Back then it wasn't called "alternative" though, it was just how people chose to think and act. One thing they were into was "laying on hands". I remember skinning my knee and having one of them hover over the wound while soothing me with their words. Can't say I know if it helped or not, but I seriously doubt it caused any damage.

Good point about spending time around nature, ie other living things. We live in such a sterile world now, greenery only seen at a distance most of the time, if at all. Being around other animals (and plants) teaches me so much about life. Just staring at my cannabis plants as they grow has led to many revelations that have made me a better gardener and person.

It's interesting about your snake. Reptiles, amphibians, and fish are groups of animals that I consider somewhat less evolutionary developed. That isn't to put them down, of course, it's just to say they developed earlier on and found a niche to inhabit, whereas other forms (like mammals) developed more recently, are more genetically complex, and have more reason to have actually developed emotions, reasoning, etc. I did eat fish until 2 years ago. My uncle (an evolutionary marine biologist with a specialty in salmon brains) told me that fish don't feel pain "as we understand it" and it's more of a negative stimulus they try to move away from. It doesn't distress them emotionally, they don't remember it later, they aren't capable of being traumatized, and so on. Snakes and frogs are probably somewhere around the same level of complexity. Even if they were tasty to me, I doubt I'd choose to eat them. I just don't need the amino acids that badly! I get them all in the other food I eat. :)

You're right, plants and fungi have chemical methods of 'communication' of a sort. And when I take the right fungi on board, yes, I certainly feel the communication happening! Heheh.

Vegans are people who don't eat other people, heh. That's actually how I began the entire article - that concept popped into my head. I wrote the rest around it. :)

I was thinking, isn't that also a definition for "non-cannibal"?

But no, non-cannibals are humans who don't eat other humans. And as we've discussed, that's not the same thing! :)


You are welcome my friend :)

I personally want to understand this plant communication more. I think it is something at least partially overlooked in science. Love the saying and it makes! I love articles like this that you write. There is so much too them that I could spend hours discussing, but I try to be mindful to the author to not overload them with comments and what not. Great post though, I really enjoyed it.

I really appreciate hearing that, because I like to know the details I'm spending time going into are being picked up by someone. I'm not the best writer, but I feel I have a decent way of saying things, sometimes. :) I wouldn't be sharing my thoughts if I didn't hope they were being received and considered.
Perhaps some new info about plant communication will arise soon? It seems that you and I have a way of cocreating and manifesting together. We've put the idea out there. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for clues :)

I think you are a great writer. You have a great way of adding a personal touch to your work that captivates the reader. So good job on that :)

You bet we do! and yes we should be looking for clues. I am going to add the plant communication to my list of research topics so if I do come across anything I will be sure to let you know!

Dude, something funny happened when I was using my windows calculator to work up some numbers for your question on my other post:

I've literally never seen that error (on that calc anyway) before today.

Ah yes, I have seen that before. Not sure what version of Windows you are on, but they have probably updated most supported versions to say that. Not that a lot of people sit there and divide by zero (at least intentionally).

I just thought it was funny that I'd never pushed a combination of buttons to end up with that error message before. And when it finally happened for the first time was when a new friend called "dividebyzero" and I were discussing serendipity and related concepts. :)