I have an idea - if you want to be a guinea pig - oops -player .
I don't have my armies painted and built up yet (long term project) BUT - not important. - That's only aesthetics, not function.
here is my rough idea (very rough, still formulating it )
I build a battlefield - any time period not important - take your pick (ww2 and ACW, 7 years war (europe) are my particular favorites. But any.
Take lots of pics each move, you issue your orders for each unit (jpeg map with arrows ) - i play both sides
(I'm honest with dice rolls, honest lol)
I then give a dramatic battle report, with lots of pic and events in that turn.
Then the next turn. - sorry if its a bit vague - it still is in my head -
BUT with a guinea pig -oops player - to help test run, we might be onto something that may grow in steemit.( and who knows what?)
(it easy to include more players, by making it a campaign)- each player in charge of a division, or whatever.)
Your input(time) , would be minimal (just issuing orders on the battlefield each go - only minutes of your time)- i'll be doing all the 'work'.
The aesthetics wont be that great, due to lack of figures. (have to use something to represent the units) - I'll build the terrain and get it looking cool enough, though!
If nothing comes of it, that's fine, just an interesting thing to try out maybe. - We might become the next big game developers lol!
I have lots of spare to time to play around with it. - I just need a guinea pig -oops - opponent, to bounce the things off.
Let me know if your interested.
I can actually do it on my own, but way more more interesting having some one else involved....for posting battle reports on steemit, if nothing else.
A whole narrative - background etc. - make it historical fantasy - historical periods- in campaigns that never happened - like invasion of Ireland.
(ww2 or 7years war/Napoleonics would fit, for example)
My map drawing skills are bad!- but here's one i did for a 7 years war campaign.
Never played it, due to no opponents. Hard to keep the motivation up.
I have an idea - if you want to be a guinea pig - oops -player .
I don't have my armies painted and built up yet (long term project) BUT - not important. - That's only aesthetics, not function.
here is my rough idea (very rough, still formulating it )
I build a battlefield - any time period not important - take your pick (ww2 and ACW, 7 years war (europe) are my particular favorites. But any.
Take lots of pics each move, you issue your orders for each unit (jpeg map with arrows ) - i play both sides
(I'm honest with dice rolls, honest lol)
I then give a dramatic battle report, with lots of pic and events in that turn.
Then the next turn. - sorry if its a bit vague - it still is in my head -
BUT with a guinea pig -oops player - to help test run, we might be onto something that may grow in steemit.( and who knows what?)
(it easy to include more players, by making it a campaign)- each player in charge of a division, or whatever.)
Your input(time) , would be minimal (just issuing orders on the battlefield each go - only minutes of your time)- i'll be doing all the 'work'.
The aesthetics wont be that great, due to lack of figures. (have to use something to represent the units) - I'll build the terrain and get it looking cool enough, though!
If nothing comes of it, that's fine, just an interesting thing to try out maybe. - We might become the next big game developers lol!
I have lots of spare to time to play around with it. - I just need a guinea pig -oops - opponent, to bounce the things off.
Let me know if your interested.
I can actually do it on my own, but way more more interesting having some one else involved....for posting battle reports on steemit, if nothing else.
A whole narrative - background etc. - make it historical fantasy - historical periods- in campaigns that never happened - like invasion of Ireland.
(ww2 or 7years war/Napoleonics would fit, for example)
My map drawing skills are bad!- but here's one i did for a 7 years war campaign.
Never played it, due to no opponents. Hard to keep the motivation up.