Snapshot fiction. A genre made for Steemit.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


I have been experimenting over the last few weeks with a new style of fiction - I call it Snapshot Fiction.

And it's fun.

What is Snapshot Fiction?

Think comic books. Think novels and short stories, haikus and beat poetry.

And think serialised fiction ala Charles Dickens, who wrote many of his books by chapter, published each week in the paper.

And it's none and all of these.

Snapshot Fiction is built for steemit. A novel in short sharp snapshots, with each snapshot (post) the equivalent of a chapter in a novel: enough to push the plot forward and develop the characters - but only a fraction of the size.

The experiment began with 'Guzzi' , a science fiction snapshot adventure. And it worked - at least for me.

I have maintained the same format for all my Guzzi Snapshot Fiction stories. The format works for me. It consists of two scenes, the second a consequence of the first, or sometimes a different viewpoint of the same scenario. You may even say that there are two snaps to each snapshot. Dividing each snapshot up this way helps to maintain the rhythm and remind me as an author not to get lost in detail.

Because the story must always move forward.

There are now 17 in the series, and the adventure isn't over yet:

Try it out, maybe it'll work for you. And let me know what you think!


Picture courtesy of



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!




hehehe this is super awesome :)

Sounds interesting. Good one.

Keep it up bud! look forward to read a lot

Really love it, Can i also be one of the contributor? especially for the little bear at the end <3

Wow !!! Snapshot Fiction is really interesting for anyone....
I saw all of series..
Thanks ..@drwom

It has been an amazing journey for me too to read more and more about guzzi. Guzzi has become my favourite now

That's actually a very interesting concept :-)

"snapshot fiction" is a good name for it definitely. This is also how I have been approaching writing on steemit. It's actually an entire discipline all to its do you make the scene engaging without it being overworked, how do you give it direction without necessarily having done an outline of a larger arc, how do you innovate and change from one scene to another while still keeping the same story going. And of course, if one snapshot gets way more positive feedback than another, how d you handle that? Good stuff.

Perfect shot and timing... love it.