How Writing Got Me Through The Death Of My Father

in #writing7 years ago

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I was in my third year in university when i got a shocking call to come home that my dad was very ill. I could remember leaving my hostel in a hurry to get home. He was in the hospital, i had no courage to go because i knew it was more serious. Eventually, i was dragged down there by my immediate elder brother.

My beautiful jewel was so lean, i couldn't control the tears coming down from my eyes. I held his hands and kissed his palm. He looked up and smiled. I was his favorite as the last and only daughter. I saw in his eyes the wish he could stand up and hug me.

After a day with him, i got stronger and started writing poems by his bed side. After each poem, i would read to him and end it with I LOVE YOU DADDY. He would smile and blow me a kiss. It motivated me to write more for my first lover. Whenever it was my turn to feed him, i would sing his favorite song and read him a latest poem.

A month later, he got better but was still hospitalized. I got to his ward and he told me to sit. He composed a poem in his head and he asked me to write it down. It was the most beautiful poem written for me. I kissed his fore head and shed tears of joy. He held my hand and told me never to lose the poem.

He died days after. I could't cry, i read the poem over and over and laughed it all out until his burial - that was when I let out all the grief and sorrow i had bottled in. I miss him a lot and every time the world shows his ugly head, i read all the poems i wrote for him and the one he composed for me and i just know he is in a better place watching over me. Keep resting in peace Dad, if there is Steemit in heaven, please join and post so you can write poems about me and show God.

I hope one day i have the strength to post his poem here.
Thank you for reading, thank you for having me and thank you Steemit.