That was luuuush Erica! Follow your heart, you have found a few unwritten niches and your soul is so rich and bountiful every word is a pleasure to read
That was luuuush Erica! Follow your heart, you have found a few unwritten niches and your soul is so rich and bountiful every word is a pleasure to read
@elissahawke: When I got on Steemit 2 years ago, yours was The First Voice to make a great impact on me. Bold, daring, raw, imaginative, truth-seeking, truth-sharing, all the best things. Thank you for inspiring me so, then and now.
As a follow-up, the person who received my submission was highly irritated by it/me. Not for my lack of experience, but for my brazen departure from what was requested. I was scolded so badly, it was laughable.
But he was right. (Albeit, harsh! lol)
It wasn't a total loss, though. I got learning from it:
Lesson #1: If a traditional publisher requests something specific, give them that requested thing, and don't naively think a single flash of inspiration will disrupt their marketing plans, or an established industry (romance lit.)
Lesson #2: It's okay to NOT be traditional.
Lesson #3: If the inspiration is strong and lasting, then take that new idea (he confirmed that no such markets currently exist), and see what can be made of it... outside the box of sterilized conformity.
After that word-lashing, your comment is especially appreciated and consoling.
Thanks again, sister in syntax.