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RE: How to be a Successful Writer

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

writers write...that's all it takes.
to make money selling what you write
to become a published AUTHOR..that's a different thing.
and it's changed
E-books is a thing.
The big five (Publishing houses) no longer rule.
Amazon Kindle is eating their sack lunch.
The trick is EXPOSURE.....
and that's hard.
there are a gazillion wanna-be authors attempting to do the SAME thing that you are.
Personally I prefer Steemit.
(tried book sank without a trace)


What is the title of your book?

You might want to consider distributing your books at the huge truck plazas.

A couple months ago I found some short comedy books by an author at a truck stop in mid Oregon. I noted the author, Ben Goode, so I could check them out when I arrived home. He is a local Oregonian and I found it awesome that they gave him a prominent shelf for all his titles.

A few days ago I was in Idaho and stopped for a burger at a roadside joint. On the tables, in the little wire rack where the menus go, were dog eared books. Ben Goode's comedy books. Three or four on each table to read while you're waiting for your meal! And if course copies to purchase on your way out.

Another good trick to create buzz about your self published books are to call bookstores, grocery stores, and wherever you want them to appear. Make a list and call each store twice a week and ask if they have that title in stock. After enough phone calls they will stock a few copies ;)

Just something to think about...

I'm retired...I don't truck no more.
That sounds like a lot of trouble.
I serialize my books on Steemit instead....
...and make thousands..

That's the thing- on Amazon there's millions of authors. You must do a bit of leg work in the beginning in order to get on the radar.

Serializing on Steemit is a stellar way to go. Do you belong to any of the writers groups?

I don't do groups.
any time I join one it's not very long until they throw things at me.
...and invite me to leave.
I don't play pretty with others.
(that's why I was a trucker)


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