in #writing3 years ago (edited)


A Series of Aphorisms

  1. with sympathy you feel with the other person. This is an involuntary response that precludes the forming of conscious thought

  2. with empathy you enter into another’s feeling. It is a voluntary response that enables you to create a construct of what the other person may be experiencing

  3. this process forms a cycle, or system, comprised of three principles: sympathy, empathy and construct

  4. over valuing empathy alone can lead to denial that one’s judgement is being effected by sympathy

  5. over valuing sympathy alone can lead to denial that one is affecting a construct and entering into it

  6. Confusing the latter for the former reduces the alignment of constructs within the system

  7. over valuing construct alone can lead to denial of either of the other two principles’ effect on the system

  8. denial is the disruptive value of each of the three principles effect on each other

  9. defiance is the regulating value of each of the three principles effect on each other

  10. defiance in this system appears to follow a general pattern based on similar frequencies, or fidelity, between the requisite values of each principle

  11. by defying voluntary thought, sympathy checks empathy’s fidelity to construct

  12. by defying involuntary responses, empathy checks construct’s fidelity to sympathy

  13. by defying harmony, construct checks sympathy’s fidelity to empathy

  14. sympathy fuels empathy. Understanding how this works can help avoid fallacies of reasoning about other people. Feel with becomes enter into

  15. empathy fuels construct. Enter into becomes build together

  16. construct fuels sympathy. Build together becomes feel with

  17. as one principle is emphasized over another the system becomes unbalanced

  18. unbalancing captures power through a process that begins with the overwhelming of one principle over its antecedent

  19. sympathy overwhelms empathy, empathy overwhelms construct, and construct overwhelms sympathy

  20. this triggers denial, which creates friction in the system thus enabling the capturing of energy

  21. while this unbalancing/overwhelming phenomena is unidirectional, denial appears to be less ordered but somewhat predictable through observation of values and how they interact (3,4,6 etc). This indicates the nature of denial’s disruptive value

  22. by capturing energy, denial introduces entropy into the system

  23. the difference between defiance(checking fidelity) and denial(checking currency) is key

  24. defiance tempers energy to preserve momentum within the system

  25. empathy as a causative value is the source of, but not necessarily object of, emphasis. To enter into is to change within. This is the middle value

  26. construct as a causative value is the source of, but not necessarily object of, denial. To build together is to place between. This is the high value

  27. sympathy as a causative value is the source of, but not necessarily object of, currency. To feel with is to form three. Deep is the causative value of sympathy

  28. sympathy as water. Empathy as land. Construct as sky.

  29. the introduction of new constructs offers new variations of these principles into the system

  30. people tend to interact through constructs for a sense of security. We build together so we can feel with by placing between. This provides insight into the nature of sympathy’s defiance: form three to change within what we place between

  31. we feel with so we can enter into by forming three. This provides insight into the nature of empathy’s defiance: change within what we place between to form three

  32. we enter into so we can feel with by building together. This provides insight into the nature of construct’s defiance: we place between to form three so we can change within

  33. constructs tend to meet at the external, or exoteric, aspects of their values, thus creating a perception that the construct comprises its own system. This is a half truth in that one is entering into a construct yet it is still only one of three principles

  34. a construct, it’s causative value being denial of currency, is by it’s nature operating as both a principle and conclusion. Construct is therefore a form of hubris that brings entropy into the system

  35. in terms of effective values, construct is in fact the perception of the system, while sympathy is the emergent value and empathy a transitional value. All of these retain their causative values as principles

  36. sympathy feels, empathy writes, construct sees

  37. timing, or alignment of internal principles, determines the conditions of two or more constructs meeting. At this point the values multiply exponentially

  38. fidelity as requisite values: sympathy is water that feels the land, empathy is land that writes the sky, construct is sky that sees the water

  39. so far we have detected deeper values for different principles in relation to the others - deeper causative value for sympathy and deeper effective value for construct

  40. the principle of empathy has a deeper requisite value, between the values of cause and effect. The way this corresponds with fidelity may provide further insights as to this depth

Writing and images by Greg McCann, the author of this post and owner of this Steemit Channel. To view more of my work, please visit www.fireawaymarmot.com.
