The writing struggle

in #writing7 years ago

If you have tried to create a writing habit you probably have felt this many times.

Creating a writing habit is one of my goals and as such, I find myself trying to push words out everyday, be it to my journal, a long email to someone, several social networks in the past and now here on steemit.

Today is one of those days where you have a bunch of ideas so diverse but when you try to pursue a single one is like they freeze the flow, leaving you with an empty page and an open mouth, like if suddenly your well sounding topic just lost relevancy or if your ability to express it and dissect it just saw itself reduced to an insignificant value.

This is the purpose of this post, to allow my mind to understand that is okay to flow with little information and make it up along the way, and also to let you know that if you have felt this, you are not alone.

One way to make it so that your habits (any habit) keep grounding in your routine is making them predictable and manageable something like: I'm going to write [X] amount of words every single day or I'm going to write for [Y] amount of time every day, there is something powerful on the deliberation of a certain task that leads to a better execution of it, even when your mind tries to block it at first (like this post out of nowhere) it will bend to your will and ground itself into your subconscious​.

So next time the moment comes for when your words are too shy to jump on a page and your sentences feel incomplete, just grab whatever words in your mind and heart that want to be on the page and let those give shape to a message,and who knows you mind end up liking it (like I did just now) or probably going back to your initial​ idea this time with the realization that you only need one word and the others will follow given enough serendipity, in other words, ​stick to it at any cost (even if you have to write a post about that to make it).

With that I'll leave​ you for today with the question: what habits are you trying to develop and what techniques​s do you use to stick to them?

Let me know your thoughts, upvote, reestem or just shout it out if this was of any value to you.

If you know someone that might benefit from seeing this tag them in the comments.

Have a great day, see you soon.


I think I am an emotional writer. I Excel at writing when I have fuel to fill my tanks of creativity. Music often can re-imagine the emotion once felt. I also love writing only parts of stories or small ideas only to come back to them after a while.

Music is definitely​ a driver, and I find quite amusing​ the feeling of coming back to an old idea with fresh eyes.

Thanks for your comment and upvote.

Like many an author has said:

The best method to writer's block is to just keep writing.

No matter how bad it is, you are still putting words down. The quality and inspiration will eventually come if you just keep writing. Never stop writing.

That's right, is a matter of persistence.

We all struggle to do this exercise. Sometimes we succeed!

The good thing is that we keep going forward, thanks for your comment and upvote.

I've been dealing with the same thing over the past week or so. I have always loved literature and naturally took to writing essays in school. Trying to translate that to continuing to write posts in a blog format is still new to me. Thank you for posting. I knew that I wasn't the only one but it's still reassuring to see someone else actually post about it.

I'm glad this post was of value to you, thanks for your comment and upvote.

I agree with your opinion