Why Most Student Essay Editing and Writing Services Aren’t Worth It

in #writing7 years ago

Hey Steemit! First-time poster here. I've frequented the community for quite some time, and finally decided to pull the trigger and start producing content. I'm looking forward to being a part of the community, so I thought I'd write up a post that contains some background on my own work as a freelance editor and writer (as a bit of an introduction), with some helpful advice and tips for students:

The internet is filled with companies offering students document editing and writing services. Unfortunately, most have a principal goal of making a quick buck off of students’ laziness. Hey, it’s true!

The sad truth is that most of these companies focus their advertising campaigns on finding students who have given up all hope of improving their writing. This provides these students with an immense disservice, for how can you learn when someone else is completing an assignment on your behalf?


If you are a student searching for a company that conducts those types of shady practices, do yourself a favor and stop. However, do give this article a read!

If you are, instead, a student who is looking for a way to improve upon your current writing, seeking guidance on how to go about a particular assignment, or are hoping to improve your rates of academic success, read on to see why most editing and writing companies you’ll find won’t actually do you much good.

Full Disclosure: I run an editing and writing practice of my own, albeit one that works primarily with authors and businesses; however, in my interactions with students, I implement business practices that honor academic honesty, while prioritizing students’ development and learning above all else. This is unparalleled.

I will speak of my own work later on in this piece, as it is through my experience as an editor and writer myself that I have come to understand the pitfalls that many students face when searching for online assistance. Many of my longtime clients first came to me in complete desperation after having terrible experiences with other companies and freelancers. These companies and freelancers produced terrible products, and wasted my soon-to-be clients’ time. Needless to say, I’ve learned from firsthand experience what other document service companies are all about. So, students, let’s take a look at your options:

1. The Large, Reputable Editing/Writing Company

So, you’ve stumbled upon a top editing and writing company on Google. You’re convinced that the many reviews it has are genuine, and you’re willing to give it a shot. After all, if you’re going to pay anyone to “assist” you, they might as well be one of the largest companies in the shady business, right? …right?

Unfortunately, most of these companies are so large that they will, for some standard rate, outsource a student’s assignment or document to a third-party freelancer — who, mind you, is getting paid some small fraction of what the company is making — to either “touch up” or fully complete an assignment.

In some cases, students get lucky; they may end up being assigned to an editor or writer who takes great pride in their work. However, when most outsourced editors are getting base rates of pay, that likelihood is slim. In most instances, editors will edit without care, and writers will reuse their prior writing (or paraphrase it, so that they can say it’s original, as per company standards).

Still, even if that careless work does produce a submittable product, even these largest names will just do the work and move on. But apart from trading money for new or revised text on a page, what does a student really learn from the experience?


2. The Freelancer

When I first began as an editor and writer, I was a freelancer on the Fiverr platform. Fiverr allows freelancers to open their own freelance businesses, while allowing buyers to connect with said freelancers. In return, the company takes a 20% commission on all services rendered.

Much like the prior section on larger companies, when dealing with freelancers it can be hit or miss. In some cases, students will find an editor or writer who takes great pride in their work. Other times, sellers may advertise how excellent their services are, only to produce unsatisfactory products. For the most part, however, I believe this option grants students and buyers greater control over the individuals with whom they work, rather than working with a larger company (through which students will not really know who is handling their documents). By working with freelancers on specific platforms, there are rating systems in place, and unqualified editors inevitably find themselves with poor ratings.
Unfortunately, on a platform like Fiverr, there are individuals who claim to be native English speakers from the United States, Canada, and elsewhere — in the hope that they will attract new clients — while they are actually from a host of other countries, without much English knowledge at all. The bottom line is to be careful.

Furthermore, Fiverr now explicitly states that editors and proofreaders can solely proofread documents and offer broad feedback, and cannot directly write or even edit any academic documents. So, if you intend to use a freelancing platform, you may find your purchase cancelled and refunded by the parent company (e.g., Fiverr, Upwork, etc.) on the basis of a terms of service (TOS) violation.

3. The Smaller, Prettier Editing/Writing Company

This one is tricky, especially because The Textamend Editing Company is certainly smaller and prettier than other editing/writing companies! So, I should clarify what I mean…

There are numerous websites with some of the cleanest interfaces one can imagine. They are equipped with cost calculators, gorgeous cartoon artwork, witty company names, and more. However — fair warning — most of these gorgeous sites are actually created by web developers who brand, package, and sell turnkey websites. These sites are then sold to anyone willing to purchase them, and the only thing that these new business owners need to do is advertise.

You will almost never get quality work from these sites, for if the pricing appears “highly competitive,” then you are likely working with a website owner who takes your document or assignment and finds the cheapest freelancer on sites like Fiverr to outsource the work.

With that said, there are some exceptions. When I was solely a freelancer, I had amassed 850+ 5-star reviews on Fiverr, and had developed a reputation for my quality work. At that point, a web developer and fellow entrepreneur approached me. He had just bought out an essay editing/writing website, and wanted me to be the face of the brand. In his proposal, I could set all of the rates, and take 80% of all sales. I turned him down, for I was already developing my own company: The Textamend Editing Company.

Unfortunately, with smaller sites like these, there is no way to know whether the faces on the staff page actually are those individuals, just as there is no way to guarantee the validity of their listed “reviews.” Many of these sites are based in Southern and Central Asia, but list stock photos for the staff pages. So, if you are noticing that several websites you visit look very similar, or that there are typos on the site itself, run.


4. My Work (i.e., The Textamend Editing Company)

As mentioned earlier, I believe that I offer a unique client experience, for when I do work with students, I provide feedback/guidance that actually allows students to develop, excel, and succeed.

See, I founded Textamend on the simple principle that assigning clients to one qualified editor is often the best way to ensure quality products at all times, while building a strong editor/client relationship. The internet can be a scary place — as my aforementioned testimonies detail — and it is important to have confidence in the individuals who possess your work. However, because I am each client’s sole editor, I can gain an understanding of various students’ writing pitfalls, and offer solutions that foster improvement over time. Furthermore, I always prioritize quality work, and when my queues become too full, I cease accepting new orders. This ensures that all of my clients receive the quality products for which I am known. As a business owner, I sometimes receive peculiar looks when I say that I accept a limited number of orders at a time, but to me, it’s worth it.

Needless to say, Textamend is operated like a student-run writing resource center at any college or university. When editing documents, I may do most of the heavy lifting; however, my frequent use of in-text comments and detailed feedback/guidance reports help me guarantee that my student clients are equipped with the knowledge they need to improve their future writing, work, and prospects. All requests to write essays or complete assignments are denied; the only writing services I offer are for corporate clients.

And There You Have It!

If you made it this far into the article, then you’re already one step ahead of the crowd that said, “Wait, this company doesn’t write for me? I’m out!” after reading the first paragraph.

Textamend allows students to feel good about their writing development. There shouldn’t be a stigma attached to seeking writing assistance. What’s important is that proofreading and editing services are provided in a way that benefits students’ knowledge and futures, rather than just saving time or limiting current stress.

That’s why I reject the notion that academic failures are a means to academic successes. Consistently bad essay grades don’t translate to future improvements; rather, consistent failures (without proper assistance or guidance) encourage the misconception that the only way forward is by purchasing essays from shady companies.

Students, you now know your options. It’s your move. And Steemit community, thanks for having me!


welcome nice job

Thank you!

Hi and welcome to steemit. I hope you like it here. Enjoy your time and good luck on steemit!

GREAT to SEE you! I guess, welcome aboard the Steemit Train! You are already a great blessing to us all by being on this platform with us.All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thank you very much! Very excited to be aboard! :)

I wish your company existed when I was in school and welcome to steemit. @originalworks

Really appreciate it! Thank you for the welcome!

Hi there!

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@elbauldeolc ;)

I agree with you because you have a point. I've seen sites https://top20writingservices.com/ like these before but I've never tried them. I'd rather do my own research and writing and not pay someone else to do it for me.