Earth and lightbulbssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing5 years ago

Sometimes I like to just let my brain be. Instead of all the nonsense that usually fills it, or any of that intelligent, productive thinking others so seem to enjoy (a few of them, at the very least), I just let my mind relax, settle, become one with the-

Hey, did you ever wonder about the inconsistency between the names we call people from various countries and the names we use for those countries? For example, I know a fellow John from England, and a fello- alright, that's not actually what I meant. I was wondering more along the lines of If Australians live in Australia, Lithuanians live in Lithuania, and Chechoslovakians live in Czechoslovakia (whether or not it, or they, exist), shouldn't Canadians live in Canadia? Maybe that's why I have a t-shirt lying around somewhere with the word Canadia in bold letters across the back (bold letters... as opposed to those cowardly letters we so detest).

Oh, Canadia!, Our home and native land! Source

And if people from Scotland are Scottish, should those from England be Enggish? Or perhaps it should be the other way around, maybe we should be calling those from Scotland Sctotlish. I suppose we can prove from the Finnish that the English are truly in the wrong. And can someone explain to me why on earth those from Iceland are Icelandic? And what do we call people from Greenland? Stupid, maybe, for choosing to live in such a cold, dreary place.

And if those from Norway are Norwegian, what does that make people from Uruguay? Uruguigan? I suppose what ends the conversation is always the most blatant problem - why in the world are those from the Netherlands "Dutch" ?

And why do we ask why on earth, as opposed to asking why in the world? What's the difference between the world and earth? Does Earth only encompass only the landmass, and perhaps the water, whereas the world implies some inclusion of the atmosphere(s)? It would appear so, but why on the world is that true? That didn't sound right, let's try it again - why in Earth is that true?

The world, I presume. As opposed to Earth, which this is apparently not. Source

Hmmf. Something seems off here. Possibly a light bulb of some sort. Speaking of which, why do we picture a stroke of genius as a light bulb going off, or rather on, above a person's head? Does it have something to do with the connections being made in his brain, some sort of circuit being completed? Is it some form of clever wordplay for the illumination going on in his mind, or perhaps for that brilliant thought which just occurred to him? Or is it simply excellent advertising on the part of lightbulb salesmen?

I think his hand just thought of something. Source

And what did they imagine before lightbulbs were invented? If we imagine lightbulbs because of the illumination, or perhaps the brilliance, I would think some sort of torch or perhaps candle (for the dense) would have appeared. It’s rather hard to say with any certainty though.

And what does one imagine now when one sees someone dense hit with a stroke of genius? Does it injure the dense fellow? Do we imagine a chorus of angels singing in praise and wonder? Do we perhaps simply imagine a dull lightbulb? Could you perhaps try to think of something brilliant – for once in your life – and show us, to answer our questions with some finality?

-hyperbole out.

p.s. – sorry, busy weekend.


I have this same problem with words sometimes. No, usually. There's no logic. The appearance of logicness. Nothing what so ever. Never ever clever.

– A Finlandic. Finlandian I mean.

We used to call certain people eccentric, but then that changed to 'warped'. Now? I don't know

I still prefer eccentric

Also, have you noticed how the word changes in meaning according to the intentions of the speaker? If said with fondness, they are beautiful, if spoken of with hate....

Glad to find a mind that likes playing around with itself, without it being masturbation :)

Glad to find a mind that likes playing around with itself, without it being masturbation :)

Now what makes you think there was no masturbation involved? Granted, that would be rather weird, but I suspect it would be in keeping with everything else you know about me.

Unless you have some inside information.

Are you watching right now? Listening? Should I go get the tinfoil hat?

English makes 0 sense. Thinking about Australia will make you question your life though... Lol... The accent grates a bit on me. I'm sure they are all great peoples though!

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