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RE: Hamster

in #writing7 years ago

When you take the hamster and the daughter back to the pet store, please ask them if they would also take an aquatic turtle and two leopard geckos, which I acquired under similar circumstances. I do have a strict no-rodent policy, at least, since three “female” gerbils somehow engendered a small city sometime ago and ritually ate their young. And yeah that smell of peed-on wood shavings is no selling point!


No rodents huh? Well at least the word ‘No’ is a recognized English word in your house. Mine, not so much.

I would not try to return my daughter. You know what a sucker I am for her. I have been totally besotted with her from the moment she was born. Sadly, so much so that I am leaving my parenting in the hands of family pets. Sigh.

Is that so wrong? The good news is that she has turned out to be a bright, beautiful, talented, hilarious young woman with a bright future. You have a lot to be proud of. More kids should be over-coddled than un-nurtured, in my opinion. ❤️
