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RE: Where do we go when there's nowhere left?

in #writing5 years ago

I start physical therapy soon. They want me to go to 1/3 neurologist. 1/3. 8/3. A third neurologist. Had to manually spell that one out. Very frustrating using this dictation stuff. Any way they want me to see a3rd one but I don't think I can continue down that path. Although we know what the issue is there may be some muscular degeneration going on. I thought about the WordPress thing but it's very difficult for me to use the computer. It might even be a mistake to continue to try it's just so depressing to think that I'll never be able to write again I don't know what to do. Tell you the truth I've been drinking every day to deal with the pain and that's not the person that I want to be but at the same time I want to be a person that's able to live life and not just lay down in bed all day and without the alcohol I don't know how to make it work because I was literally depressing my nerves and stopping them from hurting.