"Bottle The Seasons"
I wish we could bottle the seasons,
To save some for a Rainy Day.
Or to save the rainy day for when it’s too dry,
And all the plants and nature cry.
‘Twould surely make for more even weather,
But who are we to judge?
‘Tis but a fanciful dream, to say:
“I feel a chill come upon me,
Let me take down my bottle
Of Spring”.
Or say “I tire of this Sunshine
Day by day,
Let us have some rain, some
Variety to bring.”
Would we ever, by
Choice choose snow,
Over sunshine and warmth?
Would we pick rain and storm, over fair winds and
No, we shouldn't wish to save the seasons;
We’d let nature run its course.
Then things will be as they were meant to
ere men came to change things
For the worse.

“Bottle the Seasons”
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

I wish we could bottle the seasons,
To save some for a Rainy Day.
Or to save the rainy day for when it’s too dry,
And all the plants and nature cry.
‘Twould surely make for more even weather,
But who are we to judge?
‘Tis but a fanciful dream, to say:
“I feel a chill come upon me,
Let me take down my bottle
Of Spring”.
Or say “I tire of this Sunshine
Day by day,
Let us have some rain, some
Variety to bring.”
Would we ever, by
Choice choose snow,
Over sunshine and warmth?
Would we pick rain and storm, over fair winds and
No, we shouldn't wish to save the seasons;
We’d let nature run its course.
Then things will be as they were meant to
ere men came to change things
For the worse.
“Bottle the Seasons”
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
Very Nice! :)
I enjoyed this greatly.
I am glad then, thank you @ktrey
very good i like