"Ode to Gray Skelton, my friend and Mentor" may he rest in peace.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Death has a way of entering into the
Screen play of our lives,
At the most inopportune times,
But then, is there ever a time when
Facing a death would be opportune?
I think not…ah well.
My mind is wandering,
Gathering balls of tearful Gray wool.
My friend had been ill,
Really ever since I’ve known him and
Seemed to be holding out, but I wasn’t
There all the time.
He and I both suffer (past tense for him now)
From COPD,
So I feel another level of kinship
With him there as well.
Gray 75 birthday.jpg
He’d become a Mentor and Benefactor, a
Wise friend and a Jokester, who
(When he had breath and energy to sing)
Could entertain right there with the rest
(And best) of us. Many hours were spent at his
House singing and playing. Sharing his wit and wisdom.
Hunchback piano player-Tuesday Sing thing.jpg
“Would you buy groceries, and then not eat them”
He’d asked me?
I’d had a fender bender and had asked his
Opinion on using my insurance.
“You pay them regularly to have insurance,
Why not use it?”
I hadn’t wanted to for fear of my rates going up.
They didn’t.
So for me, his passing has come at a
Very inopportune time.
I know, I know, I’m being selfish,
But isn’t that human nature?
To be selfish; to want to keep those we love with us longer?
It has stricken me harder than I would have thought.
The time of year, my health, and the
Cold have all conspired against me,
I am struggling deep within.
I know that at some point, I will
See him (and you all) again, but right now,
I am alone and cold.
I do not feel so bold as to venture out,
So I sleep, eat, and sleep some more.
In between, I cry as I remember that
Irascible old man; How scurrilous of me.
Gray through the doorhole.jpg

I miss you already my friend.

“Ode to Gray Skelton”
April 12, 1942-Jan 5, 2018
Jerry E Smith


Aw man, I am so saddened by your loss Jerry. Now I know why I hadn't heard of you and decided to see. My condolences on your loss. I'd this that friend that you would take to his doctor appointment's?

No Nikki, that is my friend Don, who is a neighbor from my previous address.
This is a friend I've known a few years less than that, who had been hosting the
"Tuesday Sing Thing" at his home in Marietta about 16 miles north of here . I started
Attending that, sporadically, about 3 yrs ago. During that time he has helped me financially,
emotionally/spiritually and has just been a good friend.
He shall be missed by many @coquiunlimited.

Now those kinds of friend's are hard to come by!

YOOOOooo just said a mouthful! I try to be that kind of friend, but I am
Not financially able to help much of anyone, not right now anyway.
I give rides to my neighbors when asked or when needed,
I'll try to counsel with good advice, to the best of my
Ability and experience, but I confess I have little
Patience for someone who won't listen to said
Advice, won't take it to heart. When I see that,
I know I am wasting my time, and I for one,
Do not have time to waste. I am 62 after
All, and I have my own problems.
Where would I be if Gray had
Taken that attitude with
Me? Luckily, I always
Heeded his

nice photo @jerrytsuseer
thank you for sharing

☹ very sad