📷 Photographic Reflections ✍ - The Problem with Photographing Flowers 🌹
It is a very controversial subject in photography the fact of a photographer that devotes himself to taking pictures of flowers. Some experienced photographers say it is amateurish to take pictures of flowers because, according to them, shows that the photographer who does this be a professional who has not yet developed his vision in photography, is unaware of the potential of the photographic equipment that is in his hands and that he stays impressed with everything. I already listen this several times from some fellow photographers and I stayed disgusted.
I believe this is an injustice, because every photographer has his vision in the art of photography and what fascinates me a lot in this artistic follow-up (yes, for me photography is art) is that the profession of photographer is extremely individualistic. Therefore, this type of judgment is unfounded and if the image of the flowers transmits at least the basic requirements of speed, exposure, sensitivity and focus, there is no reason to judge the work of a professional who is dedicated to registering images of flowers as amateur.
As I dealt with in this post, I was never in favor of judging the work of a photographer, because only he knows the difficulty and what went through his head at that moment to register that image.
Whenever I can, I will register flower images and I will not mind anything with negative judgments, because I am very aware of my photographic vision and if the image meets all the requirements I mentioned above, there is no reason why I believe that I am an amateur because I like to register flowers.
photography ? "YES"
Yeah men :D