#BoostMyBio: Muses, Dragons, and Why I’m Excited About Writing (It’s a #Pitchwars thing.)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Ah, Pitchwars. The rising hopes, the self-doubt, the camaraderie, the long nights of editing and piles of ignored dishes, the giggles and gifs...


At the beginning of 2018, burnt out from years of pursuing a career as an author while raising twin boys, I took a step back from my pile of manuscripts and let up on the pressure of marketing my published books. I forgot about querying for a blissful eight months, blogging my happy little heart out on the Steem blockchain.

I've had so much fun!

But something pulled me back to Twitter this week, and, lo and behold, it’s #Pitchwars time again. Whoohoo!

For the last few years, this time of summer has meant a heavy amount of revising. Usually I’m frantically finishing a manuscript and editing it in the same few weeks. Thankfully I’m not doing it that way this year. But now it’s time to do a #boostmybio for Pitchwars, and I figured I might as well do my post on Steemit, since this is where I blog lately.



Visit Pitchwars.org to learn more.

For those of you who don’t know, Pitchwars is mentoring program started by author Brenda Drake.

It's an annual event where writers basically go through the query process, but instead of subbing to literary agents we submit to authors who are offering to share what they know—mentors who spend a great deal of time and effort to help lift talented writers up to the next level of awesomeness.

Friendships are formed, agents are sometimes landed, and the whole thing is loads of fun to follow along with on Twitter. It’s a great way to meet other writers, and an incredible community.

If you're on Twitter, check out #pitchwars — a tag that has a lot more activity over in the Tweetisphere. While you're there, look me up and say hi.

I’ve subbed for the past three or four years (they all run together at this point), and am stoked to be back inside one of my manuscripts, editing with my sights on the chance of being a 2018 Pitchwars Mentee.



So what are you submitting, Katrina?

Hey, thanks for asking! ;)

I’ll be subbing an adult space opera that wanders into the realm of fantasy, with a slow-burn romance to keep things interesting. It's basically a mashup between Rogue One and Moana, with psychic and shamanic magical elements.


Did I mention romance? Oh, yes, I did. But seriously, I’m proud of myself for writing a slow burn this time. Trying to draw a relationship out over a planned trilogy is a precarious thing, when all I want to do is make them kiss!

I must say, it feels great to have my novels out after letting them rest for more than half a year. Taking that step away was so good for me!

I dug another manuscript out earlier this week for the First Chapter Challenge, sponsored by @thewritersblock and @curie, but that was from the novel I submitted for last year’s Pitchwars.

Right now the space opera is the one I really want to make shine!



Weren’t you supposed to be doing a writing bio?

Oh, that. Yes.

Writing and music help me process this whole being human thing.

I’m grateful to be blessed with muses who constantly feed me ideas—some are people, some are dragons. (Yes, I have dragon muses. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not real.)

I am the mother of seven fiction manuscripts, a non-fiction yoga manual, and that screenplay I wrote way back when. We won’t talk about the screenplay.

My most recent writing accomplishments have been on the Steem blockchain, where I’ve been writing more poetry and lyrics.

I found out today that I won the Daily Bread Poetry Contest with my poem This Path. I’m so excited, and super honoured to be chosen!

I also got a Curie and placed seventh (out of 189 entries) in Open Mic this week! Chocolate Kiss is a fictional scene wrapped into a wintery whisper of a song, inspired by the writing prompt: chocolate.

Here’s the Open Mic video for those of you who want to listen but don’t want to go to the post.

Chocolate Kiss:


On Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing.

I have two published works, which you can check out below.

I chose to self-publish these, and did the bulk of the process myself. I did hire editors, and a graphic designer to help do the interior layout for Yoga for Dragon Riders. I also commissioned the dragon art on the cover from a talented artist named Liiga Smilshkalne.

Even though I have a background in graphic design, and I think self-publishing is excellent route for those who have the vision to do it, it can be soooooooo hard. I definitely don’t recommend doing it yourself if you can help it.

It takes a village to raise a book, and that's true any way you publish.

Also, don’t do what I did and burn out so hard you have to walk away for a while—get help with your launch and give yourself enough time to do everything. Remember, publishing and marketing are a long haul. Pace yourself.

That's my unsolicited advice from the self-publishing trenches. ;-)

I am still working on the dream of traditional publishing, and I know if I keep at it one day I’m going to get that “yes.”

Pitchwars is excellent motivation to get a manuscript in the best shape I can, and submit it in the hopes of landing the literary agent of my dreams! If I don’t get a mentor in Pitchwars, I’ll gather my courage and get back to querying.


My books:

YOGA FOR DRAGON RIDERS is an extensive yoga manual that’s been used by students and teachers alike.

This book merges the realms of fantasy and reality in a fun yet detailed journey through the study of yoga and subtle energy. Find it on Amazon.

Yoga for Dragon Riders

WILD HORSE HEART is set in the film industry, and lands somewhere between contemporary romance and commercial women’s fiction.

Read more on Amazon

wild horse heart


A note to my Twitter friends, if you make it over here:

The Steem blockchain (Steemit and other front end platforms) is a fantastic place to blog.

I write whatever I want, share art, stories, music, and make fabulous friendships. The social media side of the Steem blockchain is an evolving experiment, and it's not perfect, but nothing is. There's crap on Twitter, too.

And even if my posts sometimes don't make a lot (they didn't in the beginning), I never got paid to be on Facebook, and I've never enjoyed blogging so much. As for community, I've found a family here.

No, I don't make anything if you join, I'm just sharing my stoke for a good thing. It was a steep learning curve at first, but I understand more about the blockchain every day. I get more interaction with readers here than I ever did blogging elsewhere, and I don’t even have to make a book sale to earn cryptocurrency with my writing. Yay!

Feel free to DM me on Twitter if you're curious and want help wrapping your mind around this Steem thing. I'm no expert, but I'll do my best to explain what I can, or point you to helpful posts. You might fall down a few (hundred) rabbit holes, but it's worth it. ;-)



Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my blog. I’m a writer, but my work isn’t worth much without someone coming along and giving the words wings in their head. Readers are THE BEST! You are so appreciated!

Long live the imagination!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne



Witnesses keep the blockchain alive, and it costs nothing to vote for them, so please do so. @steemgigs, @noblewitness, @enginewitty, @jatinhota, @jackmiller, @drakos, @guiltyparties, @gtg, @curie, @lukestokes.mhth, @pfunk — there are so many good ones. Do some research and cast your votes!

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Dang woman, you are one busy and talented lady. With all you have going on and now you are going to fight a war over twitter land to boot. I hope all your dragons are ready for battle.
If I had to go to war, I definitely would want to be on your side, you are a proven winner.

lol! Aw, you're sweet. I'd want you on my side, too. Your mind is sharp, that I know. My dragons are pretty friendly, most of the time. As is Pitchwars. ;-) Thanks for the comment love!

You are most welcome. I'm more of the salt than sweet, but I still have a few flakes of papper in me too. You should check out my friend @moderndragon if you need any dragon work done in the future, really a great artist, and dragons are his specialty.

That song was so beautiful and relaxing!!! I loved listening to it - so calm right now <3

Good luck on pitch wars!!!

Oh! I'm so glad you like it! Yes, I find it really relaxing, too. Though @ecoinstant wants to do a metal cover of it, so we'll see what new feelings it invokes in that form. lol! ;)

Thanks for the visit and the sweet comment! 💖

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Thank you so much for the feature!

a mashup between Rogue One and Moana

Yes please!

I really am going to record a metal cover of chocolate kiss! Its fun to watch what you get up to here on Steem, since you get up to such cool stuff!

OMG totally record a metal cover of chocolate kiss. lol! I want to see that.

Thank you for sharing the stoke for my concept! Encouragement is most appreciated. 💖

I have a few recordings to do today, this is on the list, I'll let you know! :)

Gosh, you do so many things, but as always the word romance always catches my attention. ❤️ Good luck with your submission. :)

Thank you! Yes, with me you know there will always be a romance involved. ;) Always good to see you, on my blog and in discord. All my best!

WOW. You just introduced me to SO MANY THINGS I have to go down the multi-tab rabbit hole to catch up. . .

Good luck and THANKS babe!

Watch out for the rabbit holes nestled inside the other rabbit holes. ;)

Thank you so much for the visit and the sweet comment! 💖

Yoga for dragon riders? Could there be a more awesome concept for a book!? That looks incredible!

^^^ How to make a writer like you immediately. ;) Thank you!!!

I saw the gif cover pic and it lured me in. Your writing is really easy on the mind. It flows quite magically. As I am getting to know you through your posts, this one blew me away. No wonder your writing is spectacular, your a multi talented artist who chose to focus soley on her kids! Im sure there is way more to you and I look forward to learning more as share with @freedomtribe.

The yoga thing is not that clear to me. Are you or were you a former yoga teacher? The dragon yoga book thing seems interesting.

I really just played your song twice btw! This song is incredible!!! You do a beautiful job of transmiting your genuine heart into the works you do! I hope you win this open mic contest!

P.S. I am dead tired and I am sure I misspelled something here! Goodnight from Las Vegas.

You are so sweet. Thank you for the heartwarming comment!

Your writing is really easy on the mind. It flows quite magically.

What an amazing thing to say! I'm blushing over here. 💖💖💖

No wonder your writing is spectacular, you're a multi talented artist who chose to focus solely on her kids!

You actually made me tear up a little with that one. As for the yoga thing, I studied and taught yoga intensely for seven years, but retired from teaching (for the most part) after having kids. I wrote Yoga for Dragon Riders at the height of my teaching career, when I was leading apprenticeship-based teacher trainings. The book has since gone on to be used by teachers (and students) internationally, though on a humble basis.

Waves in the general direction of Las Vegas. I hope you got some sleep!

You are doing so much. Do you ever sleep honey? :) All of the things you do are amazing and you put so much of yourself into your creations and you inspire so many of us. Much love 💚

Sleep? Yes, I do. Not enough, of course, and usually too late at night. By mid-morning, I tend to be wedged between two kids with a cat on me, but at least the kids sleep in a little... 80% of the time. ;-)

Thank you for the sweet comment! 💖💖💖

I wanna read your opera😍😎

And I want you to read it. ;-)

Sorry, couldn't resist. The sass just rolls onto the keyboard. What I meant to say was THANK YOU for always encouraging me. I'd love for you to have a look at the manuscript... What are the chances you want to read it before Atlanta? lol! Just kidding. I'll be hard pressed to have this last round of revisions done by then—figure I'll get it done on the plane(s).

Whenever you are ready, I can't tell you day to day what my schedule is like either. Kids have a way of doing that lol