
in #writing7 years ago

I'm not sorry for caring, but I am sorry for thinking that you cared.
I'm not going to share this to you because doing so would be tricking myself into thinking you actually gave a fuck.
My unique arrangement of letters will never spark empathy for me from you.
Never again will I find myself tripping over the same rock.
Well, I should rephrase that because you could never be a rock.
Maybe a raven, like the embedded ink that lies in your skin, because you tricked me with your devious eyes.
Your beautiful black feathers, eyes, claws.
Your beak that took it all away, especially the sun.
My world collapsed and it was dark again.
Without you flowers bloomed, but I didn't see the beauty within.
I could only see the darkness.
Everywhere I looked.
It was the darkest four months.
But every day it was lighter.
As if the sun was slowly coming back.
The light restored on day one-hundred-twenty-two.
I opened my eyes and it was light out.
The beauty was there.
I was there.
And you weren't.
This is when I realized I was okay.


Now I know what it looks like when something inspires you.
I see you, dredging through the ruins and the wreckage, salving the things that can be saved and letting go of what's too far gone.
I see you, taking the immense pain you feel and turning it into art. I see you fighting through the agony to be there when your friends need you. I see you pushing a little further when you've been empty for days.
I see you, constantly pushing your comfort zone and growing every day. I see you fighting to be happy.
I see you feeling lost and found in the same moment, like you're both higher and lower than you've ever been.
I see the way you feel deeply and entirely into the moment and the hearts of the people around you, how you hurt for them and how you do so much to lift the people in you're life.
You're a force of nature. Legendary. You carve this earth, this place, like a flood. Like a river.
I see you.

I sincerely appreciate you.

This genuinely brightened my day. Thank you, J 🌷

this is very powerful.
It really touched me. I'm assuming this is about a bad relationship? I went through a horrible relationship and because of it I started writing poems too, if you're interested in checking out what I wrote please follow me @raisinbran :)

Thank you! :)