This is Earth

in #writing6 years ago


This is Earth! Don't make yourself an item by just sitting on a degree.

An item is mostly what can be purchased. It has no voice and is kept wherever the purchaser wills.

A degree is not a skill, and thinking that it means more than serve as evidence you have studied with a tertiary institution, is a limiting position to hold on to.

A degree can get you through some doors, but what will earn you respect is the value you create.

It is what you do with the assumed developed thought process (having obtained a degree) that determines your rating within the landscape of other human beings.

This applies to marriage.

It doesn't matter who you end up with, you will have to be enough for yourself, and be value-adding to the unit, to not be considered an item.

Whereas you can scheme your way into the life of another, just because of the security they possess, but right there will you likely witness the shredding of your person, as long as all you do is feed on the host.

Very rare are those who can look after you everyday, without meaningful contribution from your end, and not suddenly think that you deplete them of energy and resources, that you are simply a liability.

The point is, what you add to a relationship matters, and at the end of the day, you are very likely to be at the mercy of the value you create, the more reason ignoring this reality can wheel you to a position where you experience the ossification of relational cleavages.

Look out for yourself therefore, and make conscious effort to make only calls that lead to the path of honour, growing your capacity as you do this. That way, you are ensuring you do not make yourself an item.

You may be tempted to do as those who pride on being partners of those with great purchasing power, while all they do is spend on the wings of someone else's use of the brain. These, you should not envy.

Simply avoid the temptation to choose the purchasing power of another over building yours. Do not fall for that, for you are not others and others are not you.

Your duty is to find you and be you. Your obligation to yourself is to attain enoughness, to attain a position of meaningful use.

While you can, with another, join, you should be value-adding in that union. This will be instrumental to your consistent experience of relevance.

A union of a host and parasite is one that, though looking all harmless at startup, might become the greatest source of misery, as one of the partners assumes the position of an item, trading the core for ease.

Choose not the path of least resistance. Grow yourself to be useful to you and others, for this is Earth. Here, non should be an item.

Don’t try to figure it all out on your own where the simple act of asking would save you lots of trouble.

Live each day doing this, for in this act resides the possibility of acquiring useful information for your earthly navigation.

All work of innovation are products of questioning. Clarity comes through raising questions when in doubt. Confidence rises when you set yourself up for the acquisition of insight. Enlightenment happens when questions are asked again and again. Questioning is the lifestyle of the wise.

There be some who would rather veil their ignorance than show it. These, remain ignorant, but the ones who demonstrate through questioning, ignorance, will leave the scene more knowledgeable.

You have a right to claim to know, but you do yourself no good in doing that. And whereas it is easy to pretend to know, it is more beneficial to show you do not.

People mostly know when you know and when you do not.

They may not be direct with you, confronting you with lines that suggest they see you very clearly, but that does not mean that they do not know.

It is a waste of the opportunity to learn therefore, if you choose to mask your knowledge gaps instead of open up and get the chance to add to your knowledge bank.

To move from where you currently are to where you can possibly be, all you may have to do is ask for direction.

There are people who have been where you are trying to get to. They may not have been to the exact spot you are headed, but the area, they may have been. Asking them questions will give you useful information, leading to greater ease in locating where you are headed.

Success and fulfillment, though a personal thing and subject to each person’s definition of the words, is no different from arriving a destination.

In the end, it is all about being able to live the life you want to live. That, to many is considered success or what leads to fulfilment.

Having that life, experientially, is most of the time dependent on, aside other factors, the will to ask questions.

It is only wise to ask those who have gone ahead. It is only wise to ask for direction from those who you think may know.

If the attempt does not lead to the sort of answers you craved, you still can be glad you had asked.

This will help you with filtering as you make choices along the way. There are things you will avoid all because you have dared to ask. There are things you will embrace as well all because you have dared to ask.

Don’t try to do it alone. Don’t delay yourself by creating an impression of knowledge when the reality is a gap in knowledge.

Of course, asking questions and showing that you do not know might seem embarrassing, but that thinking is because of our ego.

There is no embarrassment in honesty, in directly stating that you know not.

Ego promotes hypocrisy. Ego would rather have you act like a master when you are basically an amateur.

You need not live like that.

Deal that thinking of embarrassment a killer punch by demonstrating you are authentic and courageous through the admission of ignorance when ego suggests the opposite.

On this plane, pretence won’t take you far.

It might serve you in the interim, but you will be found out eventually.

Where you are not found out, your advancement might be limited or delayed because of refusing to ask questions.

Make it easier for yourself therefore by simply asking questions.

This is earth!