STARSEED - chapter two : ALLIES - sci fi novel

in #writing4 years ago


Yrsen’s blistering gaze held my own. Blood pounded in my veins. Reminded myself he and I have a common enemy, and that is Xed Merxes Miro.

I raised my chin a notch as I answered his question of my identity. “I am Zelda, daughter of Dorfgan, heir to Caglin, a country on Ternova. I am representing our interests at this summit.”

Yrsen bowed low with an elegant flare while his golden hair glinted from the overhead lights. “I am Yrsen, Head Scientist of the Hiyolyne Oasis, appointed by His High Lordship, Merin, of the Cynari.”

“A scientist? I would have not known, given the speech you made. What do you make all science-y?”

Yrsen smiled, “Would that I could tell you. Classified.”

I nodded. “As you wish.”

“Already have.” He cleared his throat and asked, “Do you know where to eat in this place?”

“Well, there’s the dining hall. Just stay away from the blue soup with green bits.”

With a quirked brow, Yrsen smiled. “Why is that?”

“Soup shouldn’t move on its own accord.” I cracked half a smile and shifted my weight as I stood. “From what I understand, it’s a delicacy.”

“Duly noted. I was told it tastes like scum from a stagnant pond.”

I put the holotablet down, and moved to the organic wall, Yrsen joining me. The portal opened to the conveyance hatch. As Yrsen stepped into it, he said, “Your holotablet is getting a transmission.”

My eyes followed his pointing finger, and indeed, I was. Picked it up, and saw who it was from the com line sequence identifier. Seen it a thousand times. Seemed weird with no visual, only audio.


“Zelda, the plan failed. They set an ambush on Mizuli. It’s Miro’s hideout.” My father’s voice faded out. Then visual kicked in as my Father lean forward. I saw his bruised face reflecting through the hologram image. Could hear a pounding in the distance. “They’re coming for me. Convince them all, Zelda. They’ll come after you next to make a point. Miro will move his hideout…” A boot came crashing down on my father’s holotablet, ending the transmission.

I stood silently holding my own holotablet, hoping for another transmission from my father. I knew it would never come, though. For a moment, I hoped the wall had closed behind Yrsen and he went off to the dining hall and I was left alone for the transmission. But be prepared for the worst had been drummed into my head since childhood. Gotta offer a little cover in case he was still here.

“I’m not so hungry, anymore.” Turned around, hoping to see a sealed wall. What I saw was one of Yrsen’s feet poking out into my room, keeping the door to the conveyance open. Took a deep breath and let it out as I realized there wasn’t much I could do at this moment. Felt trapped, that all I could do is speculate at my father’s fate. Even if I left now, it’d be three weeks back to Ternova, another two to stock up, and another for a primary and a couple contingency plans. And maybe, if I pestered my uncle about it, things would get expedited, but then it’d get political, and I was given specific instructions regarding the wedreed matter to try my best to keep it from getting political. Needed to be grassroots. Peace must be maintained and militarization would be bad optics so soon after the revolution. Knowing this, I knew there were limited sources I could draw from, and each one had to make sure that they made no extra enemies besides Miro.

Yrsen looked to me, compassion in his eyes. “You shouldn’t be left alone. Going after him is dangerous. His thugs have enslaved and killed dozens of indigenous communities on Iocyne, they’ll have no issue doing the same to you.”

“You think I can’t take care of myself?” I didn’t mean to use the accusatory tone that indicated just how pissed off I was, but the thought of being babysat didn’t sit well. Who the hell did he think he was? Knights in shining armor died with the old Earth.

“I am insinuating nothing of the sort. But four eyes are better than two, unless human anatomy involves eyes in the back of your head? Did I just not see someone’s foot destroy your father’s connection to the outside world? Correct me if I’m wrong, by all means, please.”

I glowered at him. “I’m not in the mood for witty banter, sorry. If you want to babysit me, fine. Just think of the implications, though. A head scientist and person of influence suddenly thrown together at a very public venue… people could wonder.” Perhaps appealing to his sense of respectability would give him pause. The thought of him tagging along bothered me. Family business needs to stay in the family. He had no obligations toward me and I resented him making me his project. Sure, we both had Miro as a bullseye, but if he’s some head honcho scientist, then his involvement would qualify as getting political, and I mentally cringed at the notion if the Cynari had negativity cast upon them for being involved with Caglin’s affairs and waging unofficial and unsanctioned war on Merxes Miro. I was supposed to get a delegation to come to Caglin, do things formally and openly, full transparency. Teaming up with an Iocyne scientist… was that formal? I mean, he made his plea in the open… but still. There was something off that set off my mental klaxon alarm.

“Might as well give them something worth talking about, wouldn’t you say? Your father was after Xed Miro, correct? Is that not the person responsible for destroying people and planets? If people want to think tawdry thoughts about us, so be it. It’d be a red herring, as our mutual want is to stop Miro.” He smiled which increased the width of my frown.

With growing frustration, I looked to this man who suddenly appeared in my life and seemed to serve no purpose other than to frustrate me. “I’m content with letting you help take down Miro. But you’ll follow my directives.” If he couldn’t stomach what I intended, fine. He’d learn the hard way.

“Always so assertive, Zelda?”

“No. But my father’s grudge against Miro goes deep, and I can guarantee things won’t be pretty.”

“You aren’t going to go by normal diplomatic conventions, are you?” Humor now graced his eyes.

“No. Miro bought himself an island and sovereignty from Milguar—a fairly powerful country on Ternova. He’s a power unto himself, with powerful friends. Caglin doesn’t wish to anger his friends, but we do wish to end his open season on our people.” I nibbled on my lip as my mind began wandering in thought. Can I get Hynal to assist? He’s got a crew of five. If I can get Hynal on board, then that’ll take care of the muscle. If he’s occupied, then I can go privately to Uncle Ashokar… He’ll be angry at Father for getting involved, instead of going through the proper channels, but family is family… he’d have to help rescue his heir, right?

“So Miro has his own annex and is thus open for attack?”

“Not exactly.” If it were that easy, Father wouldn’t have been trapped.

“How do you propose to rescue your father?”

“Can’t tell you. Not here.” Security doesn’t exist in places where power gathers. Walls with ears and other things. By now, someone already knows Yrsen is in my room and that I got a transmission from Father, at the very least. Best option is to get out of here as quickly as possible. It was foolish of me to bring Yrsen here. Dammit.

With another smile, Yrsen replied, “If you don’t have to stay for the summit, I know the perfect place.”

The summit seemed to fade in importance. My mission was to bring attention to the plight wedreed brought upon Caglin’s people. By engaging the one other person who seemed interested in it, I’ve done just that. Perhaps with Yrsen’s help, Xed Miro can be conquered. Maybe my father will make it out alive.


Wanna read more of my stuff outside Steemit?

This is a book /log of me of how I got targeted for doing research and discussing things I found in the public domain in an open forum.

This is a novel (spitefic of FSoG) I wrote that worked in a bunch of contemporary political scandals ... and resulted in my therapist at the time telling me I might be offered a payout and maybe asked to join "The Beast". (And yes, I recorded that conversation because WTF)

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