CREEPERS Chapter 21
Vanessa was the first one out of the river. She ran towards Calvin dripping wet, she had seen every blow of his battle.
Calvin heard her voice and the saw her running towards him emerging from the shadows like an apparition.
Vanessa threw herself into his arms and wept with relief. In that moment she realized for the first time what an incredible man Calvin was, a real hero better than any Hollywood creation. “I thought I had lost you forever and that we were all going to be killed by those things. You’re my hero! I love you so much.”
Calvin held Vanesa tight breathing in her scent feeling the warmth of her body through her wet clothes. “I love you too, from the second I saw you, I’ve loved you. It’s going to be alright. We’re going to find a way to destroy them and the Creeper. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
The clear water and gentle current of the river had washed the blood and sand from Vanessa’s bruised body, feeling Calvin’s powerful arms around her holding her like she was a child made her feel safe and gave her the strength to face the challenges that she knew were ahead. Somewhere out there in the bush the creeps were plotting their next move. The warm water of the river had eased her pain, but she knew that there was a minefield of death between them and safety.
Calvin Sat her down gently and kissed her forehead. “Okay no time to waste let’s get the hell out of here before they regroup and launch another attack.”
Hand in hand they walked back to the stream. They found Vanessa’s parents huddled together at the base of a cottonwood tree whose braches were bound in thick creepers. Michael didn’t look good. His ashen face was as pale as the moon above. His hands were trembling. What Calvin couldn’t see was the pain that Michael Fullbright didn’t want them to know about. His broken ribs punished him for every breath. And beneath his tattered clothes his frail body was covered with bruises from the beating. He tried to get to his feet as Calvin and Vanessa approached, but he failed in the effort. Rosa pulled him back to her and cradled his head in her lap stroking his hair. She looked up at her daughter and Calvin, and tears ran down her cheeks. “Thank God, we both still have our Champions. He’s hurt bad Vanessa. I don’t know if he, we can go any further.”
Michael’s eyes were fixed and dilated but a glimmer of life remained, he regained his senses for a moment and tried to speak. “She’s right sweetheart, I’m done, you and your mother go with Calvin, make a run for it. Get as far from here as you can.”
Calvin spoke up, “Well that’s not going to happen. Leaving you behind is not an option. Beat up you’re still twice the man as me. I need your help and advice. Together we will all get out of here and together we will destroy those green bastards.” Calvin went over to a sapling and with a single blow of his sword cut it down. He quickly peeled the bark off with his knife and rounded off the ends. He helped Michael to his feet and gave him the walking stick.
“Thanks.” Michael took a few steps and forced a smile, it helps, if we go slowly I should be able to keep up. Breathing’s easier standing up. I’m pretty sure I have a couple of busted ribs.”