Writing Tips - 3

in #writing7 years ago


My Background:
I’m an Author.
I have five full novels, an anthology of short stories and a collection of seven short stories published, plus a number of stories and articles published in magazines and one multi-author anthology. UK US
I work as a professional Editor for a small Indie Publishing House.
I have a few years’ experience in publishing.
I was Editor in Chief of a large online magazine (approx. 100,000 hits per month at its peak).
My second novel, Cruel and Unusual was entered for The Orange Prize For Fiction in 2012.
I’ve written screenplays for movies and at least one of my stories has been made into a film.
I have a page on IMDB.

I've been asked for the links to my books. If you click the green text in the background blurb above, you'll get to the links.

Pictures either with permission or from Google free to use image search

Writing a book is easy...

I can tell you how I write a book. I can tell you how other people write their books, that’s easy, it’s researchable – anyone can find that information. I think the reason you’re reading this is because you want to learn how YOU write a book.

I’m going to try to help you with that.

For a good book to be memorable, you need great characters.

Good characters are necessary too… but the great ones will elevate your work.

Think about it… bring to mind the last novel you read. What springs to mind first?

The scenery? Description of the settings can be awesome in itself, but is that what you think of when you remember a book with fondness?

The plot then? The story, the twists and turns… is that what you recall?

The dialogue? What was said in the story’s conversations… the stinging retorts, the information gleaned from those interactions between characters?

I’m betting none of those.

In every book you remember with fondness, every story you go back to time and time again, there is at least one character that you either love or love to hate.

Darius is the one character my readers love to hate. He’s been in every one of my Wolf books except Cruel and Unusual and when I mused about writing the Darius Diaries, my followers on other social media clamoured for it. I’ve not yet written that book… but I will, because Darius is the bad lad – the one that makes the story that little bit more succulent because he can be pure evil and we all like to see how he gets what’s coming to him.

To make your characters more real you need to know them inside and out, their every like and dislike, every mood and trigger. To help yourself, write a biography for that character and keep it to hand. Write one for every main character. Make sure they are different and will clash on things as well as connect.

Ask yourself questions about your characters:

When and where – born, live, died?, grew up, life-changing event happened, first love, first murder - if you answer those questions, you have the beginning of someone that you can play with, develop and form into someone you’d follow on their adventures.

Then you can think of other things like name, parents, wealth/lack of (rich, poor, middle), school and college – subjects they liked etc. – If you have all of those things, plus any more you can throw in there as you go, you’ll have the start of a rounded and deep character that you can then place into your story.

Then the fun begins.

What motivates your character? What is the ultimate goal, their aim? Revenge? Returning a favour? Finding something they lost?

You have the beginnings of what’s known as the Character Arc - the development of the character through the story. Get that right and the story will be almost guaranteed to be satisfactory, gratifying – perfect.

The character arc shows how the character changes – all characters change because of the effects of their journey. If you have no change, the character doesn’t learn anything, doesn’t develop and grow, then you can basically say you’ve wasted your time and that of all of your readers.

How did Harry Potter get from THIS...

...To THIS?

Think about characters you’ve read about and loved. Narnia for example – Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy start off as naïve kids and by the end of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, they have grown to be warrior kings and queens.

Where’s the fun in ending the book with: Peter was still an arrogant arse, Susan was still a snob, Edmund was still a snotty snitch and Lucy was still little more than a baby.

The writer wouldn’t be happy and the readers would be dissatisfied.

There’s always a struggle

Edmund wants Turkish Delight but Aslan stands in his way. The story became more than just Edmund in his quest to get that infinite mound of Turkish Delight. It became a story of the White Queen and what she wanted. Ultimately, it became a story of how four kids from war-torn England became historical heroes of a fantasy world, defeating the evil queen and helping the Emperor from across the Sea in his quest. What no-one seems to understand is, it’s actually the story of Jesus and the resurrection.

Think about that for a moment.

The story between the start and the finish is the interesting bit. Kids torn from their family, sent out to the countryside, find a wardrobe … Come back through the wardrobe in time for tea.

The action taking place in those … is what you want to read… isn’t it?

Hazel walked slowly towards the boundary of the wood. Her Wolfhound – Mika - was missing and had been gone all day. As she pulled her woollen wrap tighter round her shoulders her pace was slowing as she neared the trees.
She called out for him often "Mika! Mika!" Listening to hear the deep bark from him, she walked on.

“How do we travel, Anton?” Nichasin asked.
“We travel, as ever, as swiftly as is inhumanly possible, my boy, light and fast. We have been fortunate it seems, in your deception at Marseilles, we seem to have lost our pursuers, but I fear that cannot last, we must begin to move once more. Niall will join us a few miles hence. Gather money and food, we leave everything else here.

And so they made for the capital.

Want to know the machinations, plots, twists, other characters and their adventures that go on between those two excerpts?

I did… and so I wrote it.

The saying Life’s a journey, not a destination – the same with the ‘lives’ of your characters. Show their journey.

More tomorrow


Great tips! I have always fancied writing a story as I love to write, however every time I have started, it always gets a bit 'samey'and I get bored with my own writing. Perhaps I need to start with some real basics and just try writing a short story. Do you have any tips for writing short stories?

I would defnitely start with a shorter piece if things get boring on a longer one, but don't be discouraged. Once you find that spark, that one thing you need to write about, it gets easier... a little...

My tip works for any story. Try to put your reader at the side of you as you experience the 'action' (there doesn't have to be blood or mayhem, the 'action' is what's happening). Write details that you may think aren't important at first. The overcast sky may make it difficult to see the traffic - and pedestrians - for example.

these wonderful tips that are based on your personal experience have value. If you unite these 3 of your posts, you can create a manual on writing a book. I see many useful tips that will definitely help those who are engaged in writing, or want to become a writer.
Thank you, I liked it :)

Thank you for your encouragement, it's always appreciated.

Today, I spoke with the owner of the Indie Publishing House I work for and he's interested in the tips I'm writing. He'd like to see it as a book, so you're on the same page as he is, I think.

That's what I'd like to see... people that are engaged in writing, using these tips and improving their work and enjoyment.

It really would be a new achievement.
I imagine that for some novice writers you could become a teacher. Given that you have a lot of experience and you write such interesting works, this would give you additional status.
People are always interested in taking an example from someone who, on a personal example, shows what he is capable of.
It is interesting to observe the development of events, I wish you to publish such a book - a handbook :)

I've written a few posts like this... not really with any structure behind them, just tips I thought would help people here, on Steemit.

I'll find them and post the links to them all. I've been on Steemit since August 2016 so I've got a bit of experience behind me ;)

you have a lot of experience here ...
it seems to me that significant events and changes in people's lives occur precisely when we least expect
The main thing is never to miss the opportunities that are provided to us
maybe this is your opportunity :)

Please publish a book with writing tips--I would be first in line to buy it. Thanks for all your great work and sharing your hard-earned skills with all of us.

Thank you! I'm working on it ;)

Truly you're a decent writer...
Upvoted and resteemed dear...

This is awesome @michelle.gent! I enjoy your tutorials. Thank you very much. :) Resteeming! ♥

Thank you! Appreciated :)

I had no idea you had written 5 books thus far, that's quite an amazing accomplishment. I've never been a great writer, I think I lack multiple aspects needed to be great, but I've decided that I am just going to write more this year. Whether it be through steemit posts, a pen and paper journal or some magical fantasy, I think the more often you express your thoughts through writing, the better you become.

Have you ever read 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami? I am reading it right now and having trouble putting it down. Its a monster of a novel (over 1100 pages) but the story grasps the reader right from the beginning and its an amazing journey of two separate but connected individuals. Murakami has got me begging for more haha.

It all adds up over time ;)

You do have to keep going at it, dogged determination is what's needed. I had to push myself hard to complete the books I've finished and I really do need to re-learn how to push myself again for the others I have waiting to be completed.

I've not read that book... I seem to be in the middle of books I want to read for pleasure and those I have to read for my job, but I'll keep an eye out for it if you're recommending it :)

I hope people appreciate your work in these 'how to' posts. I can't tell you how much money I have spent on how to write books in the past. Love the examples you use, both from your own work and others, it really brings it alive.

Also, on an unrelated matter, are you going to post any more Bouncer stories? Unless I missed them... I have looked, but can only see Part one.

Ah... you liked Zack's story did you?

Well, the good news is I've been testing out the story on my daughter and I think we've got a storyline in place. More on that later.

YAY! :)

To be honest, I haven't read many how to write books and those I did buy were pushed to one side when I discovered Stephen King's On Writing because that turned into my Bible.

I've only used my own writing for the examples because I don't want to get in trouble for copyright. I do find it easy to swap styles and voice in my writing and I very much doubt that is a skill I'd be able to teach anyone.

To be honest, I think a lot of people (and when I say people I mean me!) buy books on how to write in order to avoid actually doing it. :)

loved it!! btw i started reading your book but havent had much time to lie down, but as soon as i am in chill mode - back to your book :) xx

Haha! Wonderful! I'm loving your cookery blogs too - especially the videos!

Thank you so much for this! I was a high school english teacher for years...wish I'd had your post then😄

You're most welcome. Actually, that's flattering... when I was at school, my English Teacher didn't like me ;)

Of course he/she didn't :) As a teacher, and a good one I must say ;), I swore I would never be like my high school teachers! I taught kids who are now married with kids of their own and we stay in touch! Actually, one of them e-published a novel...I encouraged her when I first saw her writing in grade 8:) Anyway, thank you again, and thanks for the response!

When you create and fully develop a character, does he/she become a part of your life? I mean, when something is going on in your like and you think, "What would Darius do in this situation?"
By the way, the Dead Walkers: Rise of the 4th Reich is a definite must-watch for me. What could be better than Nazi zombies, gore, and girls dressed in leather.

I'm more likely to think "What would Red do in this situation?" As in... would they still be living or not? Then I have to remember, I'm not a werewolf and much as I'd like to, throats have to be left where they are... ;)

I apreciate original authors that write amazing stories. That spend their time to put their thoughts on a papper. Author like you deserve our atention because not anyone can write such an amazing fiction stories. Good job ! :)

Thank you. I cannot promise to make everyone into a great author (not even myself) but if I can help people to learn how to be happy with what they're writing, I think that's a step in the right direction.

Exactly. We must be thankful with what we write, not everyone have the same originality. Thank you for replying :)