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RE: Are shorter posts better?

in #writing7 years ago

Thank you for posting this @svkrulze. It is a very good point. Sometimes I read a post and just wish there was more. There was a good title and good picture and opening paragraph and before I knew it the post was finished. I just wanted more. In that case I can say more in the comments or I can read another post they made so I am satisfied usually withing 500-1000 words. If the post is over 1000 words it actually takes me a long time to scroll down to the comment section.

One of my disappointments in posts is coming to a Dlive post and find that the event is finished. I wish those events were recorded and linked to a dtube post when dlive is finished.

How long do you think the idea comment should be. If I leave two or three paragraphs it is a pain in the butt because you know that you probably have to respond because I took this much time to write a comment. But if I just say:

nice post sir

I'm sure this will just make your day.

One of the big things in preparing a post is not even the time it takes to write and set up the post in markdown, but the thought behind the post really reflects a day of your life. If you can say it all in three hundred words go ahead. One the most interesting writers here is @flashfiction. It is so short I can't believe he gets away with it but he has the guts to do it and his stories actually make sense and give content. So like the only saying goes, "It is not the length that matters but how you use it."


wow, thanks for making the effort to make such a meaningful comment but don't ever think I am responding because of any compulsion as a result of your hard work, lolz... I respond to good comments because I like conversations and ideas... what is the meaning of human existence if not for the exchange of ideas??
thanks for pointing me to @flashfiction... I have long being thinking about doing something like that... but I am skeptical of backlash, afraid that I may be called a spammer... I will have to rethink I guess...

Thanks @svkrulze. I wouldn't have rambled on so much if I wasn't thinking about it at the time. There are no Steemit police... but you are the judge of the integrity you are putting in. YOu won't be downvoted for a short post, but you won't be applauded at first unless it is really amazing. Good luck.