Kebakaran Telah Memberangus Semua Mimpi Mereka/The Fire Has Moped All Their Dreams

in #writing7 years ago

Kebakaran telah memberangus mimpi-mimpi mereka.
Fires have muzzled their dreams. 2016-05-03-323.jpg
Kehancuran 2016-05-03-325.jpgakibat kobaran apipun mengganas. Membakar harta-benda yang mereka punya 2016-05-03-324.jpg The destruction caused by an inflammation of the apipun mengganas. Burn the treasures they have
Kehidupan perekonomian yang semakin sempit membuat mereka harus merakit kembali usaha mereka dari nol. The increasingly 2016-05-03-329.jpgnarrow economic life makes them have to re-assemble their business from scratch.![2016-05-03-328.jpg]
Sungguh waktu yang mencekam dalam dekade sejarah kelam. Api kecil ternyata memang menjadi sahabat. Tapi api besar rupanya menjadi penjahat.

What a terrible time in decades of dark history. Small fire turned out to be a friend. But the big fire seems to be a villain. 2016-05-03-331.jpg


Hey @monalisa7, nice piece! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed your writing. Keep up the good work!

Thank you exxodus. How are you this day? Good luck for you.