Nice overview post of a great group of folks. Some excellent writers on the writers block, and I've been writing a lot more lately as a result of being in the company of other writers. It's nice to share the struggle with like-minded people.
Nice overview post of a great group of folks. Some excellent writers on the writers block, and I've been writing a lot more lately as a result of being in the company of other writers. It's nice to share the struggle with like-minded people.
You and your sense of humour have assimilated well into our hive mind. Always fun to be had when you're around.
HaHa! I JUST WATCHED one episode Star Trek and have still Seven of Nines voice in my head: "Irrelevant":)))
Glad to have you on board dude.
You are one of those "excellent writers," too. Don't be modest! :-)
This is what makes the writers block great!