in #writing6 years ago

Today, I hear a lot of people say "IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT". How did it happen they'll say we don't know love just happened, then after few days, months or even years a break up would be rearing it ugly head. This has kept me wondering if it was actually love at first sight or lust at first .
Like someone rightly said, love is an intense feeling of affection toward another person. It's a profound and caring attraction that forms emotional attachment. It encompasses a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, ranging from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure, it seeks the best of the other person, giving,sacrificing and bearing each others burden and to crown it up it has no end.

Love is not greedy, it always willing to go a mile even when you ask for an inch, it seeks to protect at all times not minding the circumstance. I love my wife, and she love me in return even in old age the love will still flourish.
Lust on the other hand is is a psychological force producing intense craving for something, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion. It comes in different forms such as sex, money or power. Lust is selfish and also has to do with what you see physically. The moment you get attracted to the physical appearance of someone and all you think is how to explore the physical beauty then you are in lust. It is not patient everything about lust is in the now that's why the future is bleak for lustful relationship. Lust unlike love thrives on taking rather than giving.

Dear friends take out time to study your current relationship or if you are not in any for now look out for these things because if it is lust I don't care how long it has lasted just know that as soon as that thing both of you are craving for is missing that relationship will crash, however, if it is love even in old age both of you will still be holding hands at all times.


Beautiful post . Good one

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Thanks my good friend.