in #writing7 years ago

Let me guess, you’re wondering why in heaven’s name I would choose such a title for this piece. Simple---------Every ounce of my physical and mental sweat is pure blood to me and the ritual is my secret that keeps me going every time I am in Gethsemane.
Many a times we want to become huge financial lord either a millionaire or the series of naire but I have come to discover in my quest to study the world most rich and successful men, those in the lower class always has the wrong notion of WEALTH CONSERVATION AND MAXIMISATION.
When American was a young country, they discover that hoarding the gold and precious stones won’t make them a successful nation rather they should invest it in humans------SLAVERY, just like Egypt the slaves built America and Centuries after the abolishment of slavery the principle is still on. You are promised financial security and for thirty or so productive years of your life you work teeth and nails to make the rich richer, they keep discouraging you to dare to dream with their large bonuses and the trick of making you believe it’s not as easy as you think and I ask HOW DIFFICULT CAN IT GET. The likes of Rockefellers, Rotchild and the other three banking families of America knew this so they came up with the banks making the average Americans live in chains of debt and loans. They cajole the average American to take more loan facilities than they can afford via advertisement and when in the longrun they can’t pay up the banks come for their hard earned properties. When in this fix they were advised to take another facility to clear the old loan putting them back in the same swamp they just crawled out from not forgetting the out of the world interest rate. Is this not exactly what we still have in this current time lag? When I realised the rat race may never end I have decided to take the hard route to wealth----looking inward
I grew up with my dad expecting at the end of the month a salary that may never come and sometimes resort to loan and at that tender age I decided the SALARY life is not my thing--------I meant it for real. I am not against working for pay but I want you to forecast all you may earn in your active years and you will see one young boy earn it in one hour-------it seem unbelievable we term to allege they have engaged in BLOOD MONEY. The route to wealth in this generation has become more of what can you offer than how well you can work. So don’t use the old mentality of you must get a job before you’d be successful. Quit that mediocre life and search what is on your inside-----what’s your relevance in the scheme of things even GOD asked Moses what was in his hand, same question is now posed to you.
We are so scared in this generation that we don’t want to be poor for a short a while for the greater good. I wonder why then do we read about the feat of the Bill gates, Zuckerbergs and the Steve jobs of this life and how they chose to give up on the system of their time to create their own system. Choosing this part will never be easy because family and loved ones may think you don’t take the world seriously, probably the money spent on your education was a waste. In the normal scheme of things you are to get a job and probably get married and putting your children through the same hell you went through not having the basic things of life. AS FOR ME MYSELF AND I------WE VEHEMENTLY REFUSE. Salary earners wake up early to get to work while those who pay them sleep during the day because they stay awake through the night because it is in those dark and quiet hours that the greatest innovation and ideas are born. We have become less and less creative because of the boring activities are mind are force to adjust to during the day-------now you can’t even dream.

I have chosen this path, you are free to call me weird, but I am on the path that great men before me took-----I will bear the brunt, the insult, hate and the look of disappointment at the moment but I refuse to be a SLAVE. When I hit my EBENEZER of water all my wrong will be forgotten in