The Rollercoaster of Life

in #writing8 years ago

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint". Isaiah 40:30,31
Life is hard we all know that, and if life isn't hard for you than your not living enough. Sometimes life can seem to get a little too hard, and that is when we feel like we can't do anything without losing 10 other different things. That is when you have to turn everything over to someone you know or someone you can't even see, turn everything over to something higher than all of us. Sometimes letting go of all the stress in life is better than holding onto every little thing that makes you unhappy. That is what I am trying to do right now. It is hard but anyone who believes in a higher power than us can let go of everything to let your life fall into place. Find what makes you happy and forget all of the stress you are carrying if its work money everything will fall into place. There is never a strong person who hasn't gone through some difficult time in their life. What I find calming is dancing and going on hikes to places where its breathtaking ( sometimes literally) and take pictures of the view around you and always look back on it I will always love this picture because the clouds were trying to cover the sun like a blanket for a nap but the sun wanted to shine for the world.


Beautiful thoughts and images Paige. You are right, sometimes you grasp too tightly and lose things through your fingers. Let go a little and God will help you hold on.