How creativity became my friend
I was 12 years old, I thought about epic things, like movies, stories, characters, all of totally surrealistic fiction material.
After years things were in place, I decided to become a journalist and once in college I found something, my love for film and photography was changing, I knew more about the visual arts, I began to draw, once again.
One sketch after another, improving slowly, but safely, I kept it, and finally I did something with a body, it was imperfect but, it was enough for me, I knew what I wanted to do, what I really want to be.
Two years after going through a small emotional crisis, I was divided, I had no idea what to do with my life, be part of the system or express myself about who I am.
The photography and illustrations woke up thoughts in me, I could really see who I really am, my thoughts were released. I was ... I'm sure I want to be, I have my best friend by my side, creativity, I can not lose this battle.