Suatu hal yang sangat penting saat mati lampu (A very important thing when the lights off)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Selamat malam sahabat steemians...

Good evening steemians friend ...

Sudah lama saya tidak membuat postingan, karena malas menyelimuti saya untuk menulis,,, hehe Berhubung di tempat mati lampu dari pukul 02.00WIB sampai saat saya posting ini paru hidup, dikala itu saya ingin menulis sedikit hal yang sangat penting dilakukan saat lampu mati. >For a long time I did not make a post, because lazy enveloped me to write ,,, hehe Due to the lights off from 02.00WIB until the time I posted this live lung, that's when I want to write a little thing that is very important to do when the lights off.

Ketika listrik padam, terdapat beberapa kemungkinan yaitu: adanya gangguan, adanya giliran pemadaman (ini load shedding), atau adanya pemadaman darurat (biasanya juga load shedding). Alasan lain juga ada sih, misalnya “njeglek” (konsumsi listrik anda melebihi daya langganan anda), “korslet” (korslet menyebabkan konsumsi listrik berlebih, bisa juga membuat fuse anda bekerja), anda lupa membayar tagihan listrik (ya keles mau pakai gak mau bayar), pulsa listrik habis (ini yang prepaid, isi pulsa dulu baru bisa pakai lah), anak tetangga iseng matiin breaker depan rumah (breaker itu yang ada di meteran rumah), dan lain-lain.

When the power goes out, there are several possibilities: interference, a blackout shift (this is load shedding), or emergency blackout (usually also load shedding). Other reasons are there, such as "njeglek" (your electricity consumption exceeds your subscription), "shorting" (shorting causes excessive electricity consumption, can also make your fuse work), you forgot to pay the utility bill (yes pay), the pulse of electricity is exhausted (this is prepaid, the contents of the first pulse can be used), the neighbors neighbor diein breaker front of the house (the breaker is in the meter house), and others.

Nah, kesemua padamnya listrik itu, amannya kita mematikan semua peralatan listrik. Untuk berjaga-jaga, bisa tetap menyalakan lampu satu saja agar tau jika pemadaman atau perbaikan selesai. Kenapa kok kita harus mematikan yang sudah mati? Karena supaya bangkit dari kematiannya tidak berjamaah. Jadi, matikanlah saklar kalian. Memang kenapa? Karena bisa membahayakan jalur pengiriman listrik. Ketika perbaikan selesai misalnya, pastilah jaringan listrik oleh PLN dibuka (buka dalam istilah ini artinya aliran listrik dimatikan). Ketika ditutup kembali, semua peralatan yang switch-nya on akan langsung menyedot dengan bringasnya.

Well, all the power outages, safe we turn off all electrical equipment. Just in case, can still turn on one light only to know if the outage or repair is complete. Why do we have to kill the dead? Because to rise from his death is not congregation. So turn your switch off. So what? Because it could endanger the delivery of electricity. When the repair is completed for example, it must be the power grid by PLN is opened (open in this term means the power is turned off). When it is closed again, all the equipment that its switches on will directly suck.

Beberapa elektronik dapat menyedot listrik starting yang sangat besar (biasanya yang berbentuk dinamo seperti penyedot debu, mesin cuci, pompa air, dll. Penulis kurang paham, tetapi secara umum, sepertinya peralatan yang memiliki induktor juga berat di awal seperti lampu tl. Elektronik seperti komputer juga berat ngangkatnya). Nah, arus starting ini bisa mencapai dua sampai sepuluh kali arus normal. Kalau mendadak disuruh angkat langsung besar, bisa jadi kabelnya gak kuat (perlalatan lain juga bisa gak kuat, atau CB bisa membuka untuk melindungi peralatan lain yang tidak kuat). Bagitu pula pada pemilik industri atau pabrik. Tidak bisa langsung semua peralatan dinyalakan bersamaan dari keadaan mati. Nah, mungkin pernah merasakan kok listrik nyala langsung mati lagi, alasannya karena ini. So, ikutlah bantu PLN dengan mematikan peralatan listrik apabila listik mati.

Some electronics can suck a very large electric start (usually in the form of a dynamo such as a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, water pump, etc. The author does not understand, but in general, it seems that equipment that has an inductor is also heavy at the beginning such as electronic lamps such as computers also weight ngangkatnya). Well, this starting current can reach two to ten times the normal flow. If suddenly told to lift large directly, it could be the cable is not strong (other equipment can also not strong, or CB can open to protect other equipment that is not strong). Similarly to industrial owners or factories. Not all appliances can be turned on simultaneously from the dead. Well, maybe ever feel kok electric flame directly die again, the reason for this. So, follow the help of PLN by turning off the electrical equipment when the electric dead.

Oh ya, kalau susah memahaminya, bisa disimulasikan dengan membuat listrik rumah anda njeglek, kemudian kembalikan breaker tanpa mematikan peralatan listrik. Njeglek lagi kan? Nah, kadang, njeglek lagi ini dalam sistem distribusi listrik mengakibatkan kerusakan.

Oh yes, if difficult to understand it, can be simulated by making your home electricity njeglek, then restart the breaker without turning off electrical equipment. Njeglek again right? Well, sometimes, njeglek again this in the electrical distribution system resulting in damage.