I believe that little things together create large things like a bunch of pixels creating the image or atoms creating materials and so if individually we all contribute in our everyday day life, as a whole it would make a large difference. For example, if most people stop using plastic bags then plastic bags will stop being produce the same for everything else in this consumerism system and so on so forth in a trickle down effect.Thus we all can make a difference, we just have to change our way of thinking/living/habbits, defragment & system clean our minds because we all been indoctrinated from birth to serve/be this dis- harmonious ways for this current system. But I have seen progression throughout the last 10 years. People are changing their ways, harmonious technology are being allowed to be produce and distribute. People are or becoming more aware of themselves and environment. It will take time to come out of the system because it took alot of time (Ages) and effort to spread this system but I believe we will get out of it exceedingly quicker. 🙏🏽
"9th Gate Of Perfection: A Passage Of Perpetual Disembodiment"
Great Post. Shitstorm is a term used a lot in the Danish Red-top NewsPapers.
So we are fucked but we can unfuck ourselves if get enough shoulders to the wheel.
So problem one is, how do we recognize the right wheel. Lots of spinning wheels out there.
My last Post was about our inherent ability to create Loki's with any system we develop.
Loki the Trickster seems to come gift wrapped in our DNA.
We seem to elect them as our leaders and create Royal Bloodlines out of thin air. Our only hope is to get of this rock and start migrating to the Stars. Lets spread the load, invent some other ways of living together.
"...Like many who stumbled upon information on the internet shattering the facade presented throughout a lifetime of mass media, I discovered many a sham we'd been sold and brainwashed to believe in. I suppose I'd known all along the "official" story of how this world was supposed to be understood was a farce - I could always sense a lot of holes in the mainstream cultural rhetoric, seeing there was a lot of bullshit being thrown around under the disguise of "truth," even though I couldn't yet put a finger on it all. So all the David Icke, Alex Jones, etc didn't come as a surprise to me. Though it did accelerate the disintegration of what little trust I had left in "the system." "
Omg, @rok-sivante!! THAT is exactly what I felt like. You put it so perfectly, I nearly cried thru my grin. I, too was stunned beyond repair. I gave up everything, "checked-out", if you will... clean down to disassociating with religion. Thank you, 1000x's... See ya down the rabbit hole ;)
I went through pretty much all the "spiritual" stuff over the last 15 years or so, and took what was needed to bring back. can't answer that question directly, as much take on the topic has evolved greatly since I started that journey. at some point, it was discovered that most of "spirituality" is garbage - in the sense that people are looking it as some segregated, holier-than-though domain - when really, it's merely different dimensions to the same reality. tough to articulate succinctly. I'd say my interest has waned, because of the bullshit propagated in the "new age"cult - lots taken out of proper context. if you dive deep enough, it's eventually found that "spiritual" is just kind of an airy-fairy term for aspects of universal law not understood in conventional science, yet all the fluff distorts clear perception of grasping the Laws behind hit - "metaphysical" moreless being physical laws not commonly understood.
eventually, evolution of consciousness needs to move beyond the bipolar material-spiritual separation, which is next to impossible to do if still looking at "spirituality" as a segregated topic. multi-dimensional, we are. some aspects, people may have referred to as "spiritual" - though in honesty, I feel it's kind of a weak word and frame of reference, limiting the perception of the dynamics of how the different dimensions interoperate and are inextricably linked.
Wow, those are some deep, intense feelings coming to the surface there!
But extremely well written, might I add! I'm gonna need a fine tooth comb here... Interesting take on humanity, our so-called superior developed society and the imbalances it causes regarding our feelings, values and attitudes... the need to sometimes just escape to a simpler way of being...
I believe that little things together create large things like a bunch of pixels creating the image or atoms creating materials and so if individually we all contribute in our everyday day life, as a whole it would make a large difference. For example, if most people stop using plastic bags then plastic bags will stop being produce the same for everything else in this consumerism system and so on so forth in a trickle down effect.Thus we all can make a difference, we just have to change our way of thinking/living/habbits, defragment & system clean our minds because we all been indoctrinated from birth to serve/be this dis- harmonious ways for this current system. But I have seen progression throughout the last 10 years. People are changing their ways, harmonious technology are being allowed to be produce and distribute. People are or becoming more aware of themselves and environment. It will take time to come out of the system because it took alot of time (Ages) and effort to spread this system but I believe we will get out of it exceedingly quicker. 🙏🏽
"9th Gate Of Perfection: A Passage Of Perpetual Disembodiment"

fractals... ;-)
Sweeeeet... I have an artwork that has to do with Fractals. ⤵️
"Fractal Entanglement"
Original Print On Canvas
36in x 24in
Great Post. Shitstorm is a term used a lot in the Danish Red-top NewsPapers.
So we are fucked but we can unfuck ourselves if get enough shoulders to the wheel.
So problem one is, how do we recognize the right wheel. Lots of spinning wheels out there.
My last Post was about our inherent ability to create Loki's with any system we develop.
Loki the Trickster seems to come gift wrapped in our DNA.
We seem to elect them as our leaders and create Royal Bloodlines out of thin air. Our only hope is to get of this rock and start migrating to the Stars. Lets spread the load, invent some other ways of living together.
Below is my recent post. Check it out if you get some time.
"...Like many who stumbled upon information on the internet shattering the facade presented throughout a lifetime of mass media, I discovered many a sham we'd been sold and brainwashed to believe in. I suppose I'd known all along the "official" story of how this world was supposed to be understood was a farce - I could always sense a lot of holes in the mainstream cultural rhetoric, seeing there was a lot of bullshit being thrown around under the disguise of "truth," even though I couldn't yet put a finger on it all. So all the David Icke, Alex Jones, etc didn't come as a surprise to me. Though it did accelerate the disintegration of what little trust I had left in "the system." "
Omg, @rok-sivante!! THAT is exactly what I felt like. You put it so perfectly, I nearly cried thru my grin. I, too was stunned beyond repair. I gave up everything, "checked-out", if you will... clean down to disassociating with religion. Thank you, 1000x's... See ya down the rabbit hole ;)
awesome. The feedback is much appreciated. :-)
Wow, I didn't expect this. This is very high conscious knowledge - Followed!
Do you have any interests in spirituality? Why or why not?
I went through pretty much all the "spiritual" stuff over the last 15 years or so, and took what was needed to bring back. can't answer that question directly, as much take on the topic has evolved greatly since I started that journey. at some point, it was discovered that most of "spirituality" is garbage - in the sense that people are looking it as some segregated, holier-than-though domain - when really, it's merely different dimensions to the same reality. tough to articulate succinctly. I'd say my interest has waned, because of the bullshit propagated in the "new age"cult - lots taken out of proper context. if you dive deep enough, it's eventually found that "spiritual" is just kind of an airy-fairy term for aspects of universal law not understood in conventional science, yet all the fluff distorts clear perception of grasping the Laws behind hit - "metaphysical" moreless being physical laws not commonly understood.
eventually, evolution of consciousness needs to move beyond the bipolar material-spiritual separation, which is next to impossible to do if still looking at "spirituality" as a segregated topic. multi-dimensional, we are. some aspects, people may have referred to as "spiritual" - though in honesty, I feel it's kind of a weak word and frame of reference, limiting the perception of the dynamics of how the different dimensions interoperate and are inextricably linked.
only scratching the surface...
Profoundly wistful...
Sketch, mine.
Wow, those are some deep, intense feelings coming to the surface there!
But extremely well written, might I add! I'm gonna need a fine tooth comb here... Interesting take on humanity, our so-called superior developed society and the imbalances it causes regarding our feelings, values and attitudes... the need to sometimes just escape to a simpler way of being...
Cool writeup, man. :)
the feedback is appreciated. :-)
Change always begins with ourselves. That's my thought. Mastery of self, is mastery of the world.
Interesting post and picture!
Hello my friend
Happy day Thanks for writing this wonderful post
Great post. Followed, man. Keep writing.