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RE: Vocab-ability–14 (arbit = judge) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #writing6 years ago


  1. Arbitration
    Arbitration is an old institution of the roman law, that allows disputants in a judicial trial to solve their disagreement through mediation, without enforcing the law.

  2. Arbiter
    The most famous football arbiter in the world is the Italian Pierluigi Collina, nominated the best referee for 6 years in a row.

  3. Arbitrary
    My career path has been not tactical at all and now I have such a variety of experiences that will make my next job arbitrary and with little impact.


Unrelated and irrelevant comment ... I never had a "career path."

Career paths are for "careerists," not for wild, crazy, foolish, adventurous people!